Chapter 21

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Lauren's POV

I was rudely awoken early Sunday morning by my phone vibrating like crazy on the side. Groaning I reached for it blindly and squinted at the screen, frowning when I saw Dani was calling me. "Hello?" I yawned sleepily.

"Morning rat, so Lise is coming over right now and you gotta get up because we wanna hear about your date please before church." I rubbed my eyes tiredly and grunted unattractively in response.

"You're telling me you woke me up just to get some gossip?" 

"Well duh, now get up or I'm coming in." She hung up and I sighed exasperatedly, staring up at the ceiling before the smile returned to my face, as I recalled the memories of last night. I felt my phone start vibrating again and I immediately grew frustrated as I picked it up again, not checking the ID. 

"What do you want now!?" I yelled.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I thought you'd be awake by now," I heard her timid voice on the other end and I immediately shot up and cleared my throat. Okay, to be honest it wasn't even that early, it was like 8:30, I was just tired.

"Charlie, I'm so sorry, I thought you were Dani, and you didn't wake me." I reassured her, my tone returning to calm just from hearing her voice. I heard her sigh in relief and I sat back down smiling.

"Okay good, I was kinda freaking out then, anyway good morning" she admitted. God she is too cute for her own good. 

"Morning," I replied sweetly.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, really well, I had fun last night," I told her, not even noticing I was twirling my hair around my finger in that vomit worthy, stereotypical, lovey dovey fashion.

"Me too," I knew she was grinning, "so listen, I have to go and train for a couple of hours and I was wondering if you wanted to come along. We could grab some food after or something?" My heart rate increased just at the thought of spending more time with her and I didn't hesitate in agreeing.

"Yeah sure, I have church at 10, so I'll meet you at the track afterwards?"

"Sounds good, see you then."

"See you then, Char." I hung up and took a quick shower, brushed my hair through and got changed for church, applying some light make up. I packed a bag with some sports kit in case I was forced to actually do something... and headed downstairs to face my interrogators.

"Lisaaaaa," I sang sweetly, batting my eyelids at her.

"Okay, what do you want?" She folded her arms across her chest as I slid onto a stool opposite her.

"Can you drop me off at the track after church?" I asked, trying not to make this into a bigger thing than it was.

She looked at me for a moment before breaking out into a face eating grin. I groan and put my face in my hands whilst listening to her irritating, teasing squeals.

"Lauren and Charlie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I gave her a pleading look and she rolled her eyes before nodding and sitting down. "Of course I'll take you to see your bae."

"Ooh who's Charlie?" Kath asked as she, Alex and Mike all walked into the kitchen carrying grocery bags. They started unpacking and I gave Lisa a warning look.

"Just Lauren's new love interest," Lisa shrugged when I glared at her.

"Well here's hoping he passes our big brother test then," Mike said, growing stiff at the idea of his baby sis dating. I swallowed hard at 'he' and looked at Lisa who was giving me a sympathetic glance.

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