Chapter 15

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Charlie's POV

Well today was a drag. Stacey is such a clingy person, man! Like I mean, geez, this girl cannot take a hint! I'm pretty sure she has a thing for me, well after today I'm positive she does anyway. She wouldn't stop touching me all afternoon and like, it just made me feel so freaking awkward! I know I can be a cocky shit sometimes and like, I don't generally come across as self conscious (I can disguise it pretty well) but Stacey made me feel really embarrassed and not in the good way Lauren does. She also seriously put me on the spot and basically cornered me and somehow in a moment of panic I agreed to going to dinner with her! WHY CHARLIE WHY? Don't get me wrong, obviously I'm flattered, someone liking you is great but I'm just not interested in her. She can be a bit OTT, not my kind of person. Besides everyone thinks I'm straight anyway. Heck, I even thought I was straight. She's not the one I want to have a crush on me. 

Speaking of crushes, it's 10pm and she still hasn't texted me. C'mon Laurennnnnnnn! I wish I had some kind of super power that allowed me to just channel thoughts into someone, then she would just pick up her phone and text me! God dammit! 

I sighed and rolled over on my bed and stared at the wall. Suddenly I heard my phone vibrate on my bedside table and I grunted turning over and stretching out an arm, snatching it up carelessly.

Unknown: looks like someone's got an admirer  

Who the heck?

Me: uhh who is this?

Unknown: wouldn't you like to know

Me: well duh, that's why I asked, stupid

Unknown: ouch, that really hurt, Charlie

Me: look, I'm not in a good mood so quit playing games and just tell me who you are ffs

I was getting seriously frustrated with this idiot and they weren't replying so I tossed my phone on my bed and grabbed my laptop and logged onto Twitter. There was just your basic unfunny vines, album promotions, news articles and depressing tweets from teenage losers. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get Lauren out of my head. I haven't followed her because I'm too much of a pussy and I didn't want her to think I was obsessed with her or anything because I'm not. She doesn't follow me either but omg I wished she did. Hahahaha I sound so pathetic it's comical. 

But just because I don't follow her doesn't mean I don't stalk her profile every single day... shh. 

I searched her name and clicked on her profile to view her recent tweets. A new one from 2 minutes ago? She's online so why hasn't she texted me!??! Aghhhh!

I read the tweet ---

@LaurenCimorelli: Tell me are we ever gonna stop/ Playing these games/ All of these games

Okay what? No way, this is coincidental right? I sat up in bed so quickly I pulled a muscle.

"Fuck!" I groaned and massaged my neck before staring back at the screen. I quickly looked at the comments to see what all the fans were saying. What does this tweet mean? Who is she talking about? 

She hadn't replied to any of them so I just looked at her recent likes instead. She liked someone's comment on that tweet:

@cimlover267: @LaurenCimorelli #indirect 

So she's definitely talking about someone. Nah surely there's no way this is about me. I haven't been playing any kind of games anyway. The texts can't be from her, she'd just say it was her. Besides, who am I kidding? It's Lauren Cimorelli for goodness sake, I have no chance. 

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