Chapter 18

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Lauren's POV

Okay so there is nothing worse than perfect moments being ruined and cut short. Charlie excused herself almost immediately after Amy had come out and announced that Christian, my ex, was on the phone for me yet again... We hadn't had the best break up and this boy just didn't know when to give up. But I was in such a buzzing mood right then that nothing could bring me down from Cloud 9. 

I closed the door and leaned up against it sighing and slipping down it to sit on the floor. Definitely won't be speaking to Christian this evening. God I was so lovesick. She could probably say anything and my heart would have some seriously fluctuating palpitations. Just sitting here my head was full of nothing but thoughts of her and her perfectly soft lips, her gentle touch and her piercing blue eyes. Those eyes will haunt my dreams forever. 

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Lisa commented, a hint of amusement in her voice as her and Dani smirked at me from across the hall. 

I blushed lightly and cursed myself, "nothing."

Dani snorted and they skipped over to sit in front of me, "you are such a liar! That is not nothing, that is a Charlie blush," she said matter of factly. This annoyingly made me blush even more.

"What the- what the heck is a Charlie blush?" I frowned and folded my arms across my chest. 

"That," she pointed at my face and I rolled my eyes and tried but failed miserably to surpress my grin.

"It IS a Charlie blush, I knew it, what happened?! SPILL!" I laughed at their expectant expressions and pulled myself to my feet walking past them and to the stair case. I paused at the bottom and smirked, turning back to look at them still sat on the floor.

"Good girls don't kiss and tell," I winked and ran up the stairs as I heard their gasps and squeals as they pounded up the stairs after me. 

The Next Day

I was beyond happy after yesterday evening. I literally felt like a smitten little girl again. Charlie had texted me late last night to ask me to come over after her training tonight so we could talk about things and I'm pretty excited I'm not gonna lie. 

Lisa and Dani were beyond the point of rationality as well and were already teasing me. I didn't even care right now though, I was too high on my own euphoria to care. I walked to my locker humming along to the music playing in my headphones and started to get my books ready for the day. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see my friends Sophia and Anna looking at me weirdly.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I beamed at them and they shared a brief look before turning back to me.

"Lauren, are you okay?" I frowned slightly and noticed there were quite a few people staring at me.

"Uhh yeah? I'm amazing, why?"

"We could hear you singing from the other end of the corridor Lo, what's got you so happy?" Sophia laughed. I felt myself turning red, ugh shit, I was singing? Crap, that's embarrassing. 

"Oh, umm, nothing, I didn't even notice I was singing, I'm just in a good mood I guess," they raised their eyebrows at me but I shrugged it off and collected my books before walking with them to homeroom. My heart started racing as I saw Charlie leaning up against her locker with her arms folded and her feet crossed together as she talked to a group of friends. She looked so cool and effortlessly flawless that I couldn't help but stare at her. I caught her eye and she winked at me, making my heart flutter and my cheeks heat up. 

The day was pretty uneventful, I was basically just counting down the minutes until I could see her in gym. Whatever we were was definitely something to keep under the radar for now. Being in a famous band meant I was freaking out on the inside about what people would say if this, whatever this is, came out. Luckily, I'm a pretty decent actress and I knew I could keep up my banterful love/hate relationship with her in front of people... well, for the most part. 

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