Chapter 25

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Charlie's POV

"Jenna, can you shut up already? I really don't care if Zayn is having a mall show," I sighed and closed my locker.

"Um, excuse me... what is wrong with you? I said ZAYN is coming HERE, to Tennessee. Why are you not freaking out?" She squealed grabbing my hands and jumping up and down.

I rolled my eyes and waited for her to finish her fangirling moment. "So... you done?"

She took a deep breath and nodded, "yup."

"Okay cool," I slid my backpack over one shoulder and turned to walk down the hall towards history with her. "Did you do the homework?"

Jenna groaned, "let me guess, you wanna copy?"

I gave her a sheepish grin and draped my arm over her shoulder, "aw thanks for offering Jen, you're a good friend."

"Yeah, yeah,  just move it speedy gonzalez."

We entered the classroom and joined a group of our friends in the back. I leaned back in my chair and rested my feet on Jenna's desk, my arms crossed over my chest as I listened to the conversation.

"I know right?! I can't believe it," Amy exclaimed.

"What's going on?" Jenna asked as she tugged on my shoe lace boredly. 

"You guys haven't heard?" Sam gasped and leaned forward in earnest.

"Heard what?" I shrugged.

Kyle chipped in, "about the history field trip to Europe."

"No way!"

"For real?" 

"Yeah! It's for everyone taking history this year so we all get to go, it's gonna be so sick!" Amy grinned and Jenna and I high fived. 

"So where do we get to go?" 

"London and Barcelona for ten days," Sam replied and handed me a letter with the details on. I skim read the words and then passed it to Jenna.

"That's gonna be so awesome! I can see it now, sunbathing on a Spanish beach, yes please," I smiled and put my hands behind my head in a relaxed pose. A loud commotion came from the doorway and we turned to see the cheerleaders enter the room, Lauren at the front in her cheerio outfit. 

I struggled to maintain a blank expression as the thought that we would basically be having a holiday together took over my mind. The mental image of her in a bikini, dripping wet from the ocean was difficult to shake off and I bit my lip. She caught my eye as she was halfway through saying something to some blonde bimbo (Holly I think) and blushed lightly making me chuckle. 

"Lauren, why are you going red?" I heard Holly ask.

"I-I'm not," she blushed more and failed in an attempt to cover her face with her hair.

"Oookay... well you're acting weird but whatever," Holly shook her head and followed the rest of the girls to sit down in the seats in front of us. Lauren swallowed and sat in the seat in front of Kyle, diagonal from mine.

"What are you talking about? She's always weird," I sniggered and kicked Lauren's chair playfully. Her head snapped around and she glared at me.

"Wow, nice insult Hershall, good job," she replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes. This love hate relationship that we portray at school is quite entertaining and I do enjoy teasing her, but I also really wish I could kiss her right now in front of everyone, because damn that cheerleader outfit though... permanent heart eyes.

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