Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

The rest of the week went by at a painstaking pace. By the time Saturday finally arrived I felt exhausted with the stress of my emotional breakdowns that keep hitting me all the time. I totally like this girl like crazy, that I am sure of.

But I couldn't bring myself to speak to her after what happened the other night. I didn't know what to say... no way could I tell her about my feelings for her, it'd just be weird and she'd freak out and ugh gosh just no. Heck, I've only known her for like 2 weeks and it terrifies me how strong these stupid feelings are already. It's so difficult avoiding her like this, fuck sake.

I wanted to see her badly.

"Hey Laur?" Dani said bringing me out of my trance.

"Uh yeah?"

"You gonna get ready for running or what?" She asked me, leaning against my bedroom door in her leggings and sports top.

I nodded, "yeah, I'll just get dressed quick, one sec." She turned around and shut my door leaving me alone.

I got off my bed and took a quick shower then put on my black three quarter length nike leggings a sports bra and a red tank top, then slipped on my sneakers and headed downstairs to find Dani.

"So why exactly are we going running? You hate running and I'm definitely not a fan either..." Dani smirked at me as I entered the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge and took out two bottles of water and chucked one to her.

I groaned, "why does everyone keep saying that? I can learn to like it," I furrowed my eyebrows at her whilst she raised one at me with an amused look on her face.

"So we're going to the track just because you want to have a workout? The road outside is perfectly suitable for running ya know," she smirked at me. I hate it when she teases me, she knows me too well...

"Ugh fine, we're going because Charlie's going to be there with Stacey... don't act like you don't know why..." I rolled my eyes at her and crossed my arms over my chest.

She laughed, "oh yeah I know, I just wanted to hear you say it," she grinned. I glared at her.

"Shut up ugly," I rolled my eyes at her again and peeled a banana.

"I don't get why you haven't at least texted her, Laur," she sighed deeply, "you like her and she clearly wants to talk to you as well."

"What? Uh no? How does she 'clearly' want to talk to me? I shut her down every time!" I yelled out in frustration.

"Exactly! You don't give her a chance to talk to you! You freak out because you're scared of your own feelings, Lauren and it needs to stop. You're not only messing her feelings around but you're messing with your own as well!"

"What are you talking about her feelings? She just wants to be friends and I can't even be around her without my heart rate hitting the roof!" I groaned and slumped onto the island worktop.

Dani gave me a soft smile, "okay first of all you barely even know her and second, she might like you too you never know."

"Ugh just stop okay? I don't want to hear it," I said grabbing my sports bag and water and heading out to the car. She just sighed and followed me.

"Just listen to me for a second.. ah ah! I said listen," she demanded as I was about to interrupt her. "Lauren, I think you should give Charlie a chance to be a friend at least. You never know what can happen and if you won't even let her in a little then you're stopping any chance at all. Just be friends, it's not hard, just try."

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