Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

After that Q&A, my mentions exploded...

It's actually hella funny how the fans overreact to literally any photo of me with a guy. They could not be further from the truth and it's definitely amusing scrolling through their delusional comments. I do feel a bit guilty though, I mean, she never says anything but I'm sure Charlie isn't overly fond of these comments. We've been dating for over three weeks now and it's Christmas Eve. I haven't seen her for a few days because her family are visiting and she's been really busy playing the doting granddaughter and loving cousin and blah blah blah whatever else.

Basically I've been sulking for the best part of three days, lol, I'm so pathetic. Okay okay I know, it's stupid but I can't help itttttttt. I'm having withdrawal symptoms.

Don't get me wrong I've been having great family time too, but when I'm alone chilling in my room is when the cravings start. So basically, I'm not seeing her tomorrow, which sucks major eggs and I have to wait until Boxing Day for a damn kiss, ffs. We've already exchanged presents because I'm so prepared and because I wanted her to have her gift on Christmas Day y'know. So I don't even have a good enough excuse to interrupt her family time tonight!

I'll tell you what I got her, but if you tell her, I won't hesitate to cut a bitch.

Okay anyway, I got her this small silver chain necklace with two charms on it. I got her a sneaker charm (obviously because she's a runner) and I also got her an 'L' charm. I personally thought it was super cute so I really hope she likes it, slightly nervous about that.

I sighed and tried to bring my thoughts away from the sad, desperate state they were currently in. I pulled out my journal and plugged my headphones in and sat writing for an hour or so. The lyrics just kind of flowed out of me and I couldn't stop. Dani's been teaching me to play guitar so I grabbed one of hers and returned to my bed, strumming and jotting down the chord progressions.

I looked at the time a couple of hours later, it was pitch black outside and my phone read that it was 6:30. I smiled, chuffed at myself and the song I'd just written. I played the chords one more time when I heard my phone vibrate on the dresser. I reached across the guitar and grabbed it seeing a new message from Charlie.

Charizard🔥: Lo

I smiled and quickly replied.

Me: Hey you, what's up?

A few seconds later a new message popped up.

Charizard🔥: You know how we set up those trash cans so I could climb up to your balcony?

Me: Uh yeah?

Charizard🔥: Well, if you're not gonna open the freaking door they're pretty useless... LET ME IN!

I gasped and laid the guitar on the bed before jumping up and rushing to let her in. She stood there shivering and rubbing her arms to warm herself up. Her cheeky lopsided grin was adorable and I squealed and jumped at her for a bone crushing koala hug.

"Jesus, Laur, you're crushing me. Anyone would think I've been to war or something," she chuckled. I pulled away and gave her my best cutesy look.

"I missed you," I sighed taking her hand and pulling her into my room, closing the door behind us. She took a seat on my bed and made herself comfortable. "What are you doing here? I thought I couldn't see you until Boxing Day." I climbed back onto my bed and sat across from her holding her hands in mine and playing with her fingers.

"I couldn't not see my favourite girl on Christmas Eve... plus mom said I could come," she shrugged and I blushed and smiled shyly looking down at our interlaced fingers. She pulled my chin up with her thumb and leaned in to place a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her neck when she pulled away.

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