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August Pov

Alicia is really starting to piss me off. Still I love her with no doubt, but all this arguing ain't my style. She thinks I'm out here sleeping with my assistant and it makes me sick cause I never assume shit when it comes to her so why can't she do the same. To be honest and it really hurts to say this but she's right. I am cheating but not with my assistant.

I wanna tell her cause it's really eating me up. But what I'm gonna say? Hey Alicia your wrong I'm not cheating with my assistant. I'm fucking my back up dancer. Now can somebody please tell me how I'm gonna explain that.

I just can't bring myself to tell her. I hate to see her cry especially if it's over me. Loving her makes it harder to run away. Really I have no real reason to cheat. I just did it cause I'm not use to settling down.

I know thats the stupidest thing ever but that's the only conclusion I convinced myself to believe. I don't wanna loose her but I don't wanna tell her. She already has trust issues so I'll just be making it worse. Really I should have been thought about this before I started to mess around.

In the four months we been together, I always promised my mind, body, and soul to this girl and doing this is so wrong. She the only one I want kissin on me. I know I gotta tell her and I will but first I need to break things off with my side chick......


I went to Slim's house to get advice. Once I pulled to the drive way I noticed that Alicia's car was parked out front so instead of turning, I kept straight. I can't see her yet.

I went to Big's house. I rushed out the car to Big who was sitting on the porch.

"Aye Aug, what the hell happened to you

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"Aye Aug, what the hell happened to you." he said looking at me like I'm insane.

"Man Big I really need some help! I can't loose her! I'm constantly hurting her and I hate myself for it!" I had to catch my breath.

"Man chill the fuck out. Just breathe and when you ready tell me what happened." he said guiding me to one of his white rocking-chairs.

"Big I messed up." I said just staring out in the open.

"Damn Aug what you do this time?" his eyes never left me. "You better not have done something stupid especially to Alicia."

When I didn't say nothing and looked down, I believe that moment he knew what happened.

"Who was it?" he said coldly.


"Your back up dancer!"

I just shook my head.

"What the hell is wrong with you." I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Come on man don't be mad." I said trying to ease the mood.

"How can I not? You not just hurting a good woman but yourself too. I don't get y'all young blood these days. You got a ride or die sitting at home waiting for you faithfully every night but for some reason you can't be loyal. And you know damn well that you're not suppose to have any sexual relationship with any of your coworkers. You could loose your record deal like that idiot."

Everything that he said really got to me. He was absolutely right.

"Big what should I do?" I asked desperately.

"End it with Cindy." he simply said.

"I know that, but how? Like I don't Cindy getting mad and telling Alicia."

"That's why you should tell Alicia." He said putting a freshly lite blunt to his mouth.

"I don't want hurt her." I pleaded

"To late for that. You already cheated man. Deal with it."

"I might loose her."

"Like I said you shouldve thought about this before you unzipped yo pants." there was an uneased silence that went by as the wind blew.

"Look Aug, either way you gonna break her heart but you would hurt her way worse if you kept it to yourself and she had to find out from somebody else. Atleast be honest with her, she deserves that much."

"Let me hit that." I asked looking at the blunt.

"Nah man you need yo head straight right now, what you need to do is go talk to yo girl before she become someone else's." He said pointing to my car.

I didn't say nothing. Really there was nothing to be said. I just got up and left. I knew what I had to do now all I gotta do is act on it.


Hi readers😀 I know y'all shocked but if you really want to see the drama then read the nxt chapter. Do you think Alicia is gonna leave August? Or do you think He even gonna tell her? Comment your answers for a shout out in nxt chapter.

Shout out 2: @mickeyusmebabe
@Makese taylor6

I said a couple of chapters back that I was gonna shout y'all out but it slipped my mind so I'm showing luv now.

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