Meeting new friends

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You walked around the school since it wasn't time to meet Momo and Rangiku.

You were already in love with the school; it was beautiful. The bright flowers outlined the sidewalk, adding a hint of freshness to the school's older appearance. The sidewalks were sprawling long, with multiple story building. It favored the buildings from the feudal era of Japan. From afar you could see a training ground. Growing curious you walked closer, the closer you got you could see someone.

A young man, he looked like he could be a few more years older than you. In his hand you notice a wooden stick. He must have been practicing his swordsmanship. You watched him from afar, his graceful movements amazed you. You thought you were good at swordsmanship, but watching him made you doubt yourself. If you had to compete with people like him, how would you match up?

You observed the young man closer, he had spiky raven hair and aqua green eyes. Even from afar you could tell he was tall, and wasn't that bad looking. Actually, he was quite handsome, it wasn't like you were obsessed with cute boys or anything, but you did notice a cute one when you see him. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn't realize the young man had disappear.

You looked around, where could he had gone that fast?

"Boo!' a voice from behind said in you ear.

Startled by the voice you jump back almost falling flat on your butt, but you were able to catch your balance. Thank goodness for your quick reflexes. The same young man you had been watching was now nothing more than an inch apart from you.

"Why were you watching me?" The young man said with a frown. "You stalking me or something?"

"I wasn't stalking you--I mean it looks that way-" you said babbling on. The young man started to laugh.

"I'm just kidding," he says chuckling. You couldn't help but laugh with him. He extend his hand towards yours. "Kaien Shiba."

"FIRST LAST," you replied shaking his hand.

He looked you up and down."I haven't seen you around are you new?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I just arrived today."

He smiled a casual smile. "How do you like it so far?"

"I love it here," you admitted freely."But the school is so big I think I may get lost."

"You'll get use to it, once you been here long enough you realize the school isn't that big after all."

"I don't think that's every going to happen."

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a person calling him. You looked to see a girl with short raven hair and purple eyes. She was fairly short, but it matched her petite size. She was making her ways towards you and Kaien.

"Hey Rukia," Kaien greeted. They talked for a while, you didn't want to intruded on their conversation, so you stepped back. You were about to walk away till Kaien turned towards you. You guess he wanted to introduce you.

"Rukia this is--"

"{NAME}," Rukia answered before Kaien could finish.

Kaien rose an inquiry eyebrow. "You know her already?"

Rukia shook her head. "Rangiku been showing your pictures and telling everyone you were coming."

You couldn't help but sigh at your cousin and her strange antics. At least she wasn't showing off your baby pictures...again.

Rukia smiled at you. "It nice to meet you in person, I'm Rukia Kuchiki by the way."

"Nice to meet you," You replied with a half-wave.

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