Candy Store

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You and your friends followed the strange man and his companions towards a familiar candy store. You recognize the store from the times you had walked passed going to school.

The shop was always in the far back away from the main streets, almost like the building was hiding from the eyes of the public. You never went in since you could buy your favorite snacks from the mini market down the street.

To think a man that your father knew only lived a few streets down from you, made you question his motive. 

Once inside the man known as Tessai took Momo towards the back room, the man in the hat motioned the rest of you to the main hall; there you all gathered around a table. The room went silent as everyone waited for someone to speak up first.

Toshiro was that somebody.

“Will Momo be OK?”

The man reached inside his sleeve and pulled out a paper-like fan and waved it over his head. “I’m sure Tessai is going to take good care of her.”

Neither Toshiro nor you looked very satisfied with his answer, but before either of you could question him any further the door slide opened.

A young girl, no more than twelve, walked in, bring a pot of tea along and placed it on the table near the shopkeeper. She filled a cup to the rim and placed it directly in front of him, bowing once she finished.

“I hope it’s still hot,” the girl said softly.

The shopkeeper smiled and patted the girl’s head in a fatherly manner. “Thank you Ururu, it’s perfect!”

The child shyly bowed again before excusing herself out, once again leaving the room to its mime-like silences. You had many questions for the man, and you knew this was the best time to start asking.

Might as well start with the most obvious one.

You cleared your throat. “Who are you?”

The man smiled. “I am Kiskue Urahara,” he announced in a jovial manner. “Nothing more than a mere honest, ordinary, handsome, perverted businessman."

Toshiro quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t look that ordinary?”

“Really?” Mr. Urahara waved his fanned.  “Then you’re just not looking hard enough.”

“Cut the games hat and clogs,” Ichigo said rather abruptly.  “Who were those people after {NAME}?”

“That’s what I want to know,” Kaien agreed, folding his arms.

“Ah, you must mean the arrancar,” Mr. Urahara stated, pulling his hat over his eyes.

“Arrancar?” Toshiro repeated. “I read about them, for the most part they are hollows with soul reaper-like powers."

“They didn’t look that arrancary to me,” Ichigo said, everyone stared at him. “What?”

“Arrancary?” Kaien shook his head.

“Hn, I didn't expected arrancars to look so human,” Ichigo explained. 

“That’s because those were in a humanoid form,” Mr. Urahara clarified. "A Menos usually takes on a Human shape when it becomes an Arrancar."

“What did they want with my journals?” you piped in.

Mr. Urahara rubbed his chin, in thought. “Hmm, I’m not entirely sure myself.”

“You’re telling me, you don’t know nothing about those guys or who sent them?” Kaien inquired, not overly convinced at the shopkeeper’s answer.

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