Best friends and big games

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You kept reading over the strange language. Frustration had begun to take its toll on you. It was useless, you had never seen nor heard of this language before.

You had even tried to look the words up in different books, but with no luck.

You leaned back from your desk, looking up to the ceiling.

It had been two days, and you still hadn't found any new leads. Why did she use some unknown language? Had she find some clue about your father's death?

"Just give me a sign!" You yelled throwing the papers aside.

"You have got to stop talking to yourself," Toshiro voiced ringed from behind you. You turned around and came face-to-face with your childhood friend, who had invited himself inside your room.

"How'd you get inside my room?" You inquired, fist digging into your hips.

"Your door was open," Toshiro said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

You sighed, you had a habit of leaving your door open, especially since you been living in the dorms.

You shook your head."Did you need something?"

You hadn't meant to come off so rude, but you were in the middle of something.

He shrugged."Just checking to see if you were OK?"

You didn't know how to answer that question. Physically? Yes, you were in better health and your body felt stronger than ever. But mentally you were drained, confused, and frustrated.

You closed your eyes. "I don't know...."

You felt something cold on your forehead. You opened your eyes to see Toshiro standing right in front of you.

He had pressed two fingers on your forehead and flicked you softly, the coldness of his hand made you flinch.

"What was that for?" you asked dubiously.

He smiled. "Remember that was your way of consoling me as kids?"

You mind drifted back to your childhood. You were always overprotected him when you were kids. Growing up, most kids thought he was a freak because of his hair color, you had even heard a rumor that he killed his parents as a sacrifice.

Those kids were idiots.

You would always protect him from those vicious rumors, and anyone who would try to pick on him. And when he got angry or sad you would always press two fingers on his forehead for comfort.

Now that you think about it, you don't know why you did such a silly thing? But it always seem to help relive whatever tension he had.

You felt a smile creep on your face. "Thanks."

He smiled back. "Anytime."

You could've asked for a better best friend.

A thought crossed your mind. You remember that Toshiro was always reading books with old languages.

Perhaps he could be of help?

You pulled him to your desk. "I need your help."


You picked up the papers you had tossed aside in anger.

He took a seat at your desk. "What's this?"

You pulled a chair from your roommate's desk.

"My father and grandmother's notes," you said. "Well all I was able to copy from the case file."

He rose an eyebrow. "Case file..." he took a mintue to let it sink in. "You snuck into the CFC didn't you?"

You chuckled, he knew you so well.

"No...." He looked unconvinced, and devilish smile played on your lips. "Well...I was going to until Renji let me in."

You thought he was going to scold you like usually, but instead he just let out a low chuckle. His eyes jumped back to your notes, as peaceful quiet echoed in your room.

"Kaan?" Toshiro said, breaking the silences. You looked at him in confusion before he pointed to your grandmother's notes.

"Kaan," you repeated, letting the word sink in. "Is that the language?"

He nodded.

You leaned forward in the chair. "Can you read it?"

He shook his head, and your face fell a bit.

" I can't, but I think I know someone who could help."



Your eyes widen as you thought about the young noble. Of course! Why hadn't you thought him sooner? He was always reading those old literature books.

You jumped from you seat, stumbling a bit as you got up. "Let's go find him!"

You grabbed your notes and ran out the room.

"{NAME}..." You heard Toshiro calmly shout after you.

You poked your head back inside. "Huh?"

"He's getting ready for the basketball game."

You mentally face-palm. Today was the big games! You had been so absorbed with finding out the truth, you had forgotten your friends' big game.

Something else occurred to you.

"Byakuya...." you said letting the name roll off your tongue, "plays basketball?"

"He's the coach," Toshiro corrected.

You mentally picture him as a coach and smiled. "You know, I can totally see that."

Well it was no point in trying to ask him now. You would have to wait until after the game.

"Wait Toshiro! Don't you have to get to the game!" You said, remembering your friend was on the baseball team.

"I'll get there when I can," he shrugged nonchalantly, but you were already pushing him out the room. "Are you going to one of the games?

You stopped, and thought about it. You had been invited to both of the games which had inconveniently landed on the same day. Your friends were always supporting, so you thought it would only be right to return the favor.

But you could only attend one.

You had to choose.

A/N: Hello everyone! This chapter will be edited later, so once again sorry. So next chapter will be the big game leading up to something even bigger! Kaan is a made up language from my head.

FYI: Bleach ending makes me so mad. I know it was rush but honestly it had started to go down hill way before it was canceled. I think I truly fell in love with Bleach becuase of the characters, and Ichigo's development over the course of the series.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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