All I want is the truth

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"Weakling...." the voice ringed, you open your eyes to see you were floating in midair. 

As a natural reflex you panicked thinking you were about to fall, until you noticed you were safe. You were surrounded by dark clouds, you looked around for the person the voice belong to. It was the same voice from all your other nightmares, but you could never see the person face. 

"Why don't you release me {NAME}, you seek power, I can give it to you," the voice says almost taunting to you. "Don't you wish to be stronger than your gran-gran? Only the strongest become captains."

You clinched your fist. "How do you know all this?"

He chuckles. "I'm you, and you are me. We are one, for that is why I know everything about you." 

Your eyes widen at his words, how could you be one with him? The only explanation you could assumed was he was your zanpakuto, but why was he so.....cold? You knew the soul of your zanpakuto was reflection of the wielder’s heart, loosely based on the owner's personality, and traits, but he acted and sounded outright evil.

"Are you my sword?" you asked.

If I say yes will you release me?" You couldn't see the person face, but you could hear the shackles. "Come on {NAME}, let me loose, and I'll give you endless power."

You felt your body react, moving closer to him, you wanted to break him free, and you wanted the power.

You wanted grandmother to be proud of you, if you were strong then you could find and kill the person responsible for her death. You were close to him, you could feel the power but before you could reach the shackles, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't do it, he's trying to trick you."

You turned around to see a woman with long, rose colored hair, and pale silver-colored eyes. She was wearing a silver and gold Valkyrie-like suit of armor with a knight-like shield on her left arm. For some reasons you felt the woman was trustworthy, so you listen and took a step back. You didn't know what just came over you, for a second you were so hungry for power.

"You whore, had to go and ruin my fun," the man chuckles, then he burst into a hysterical laugh. "Miss shining yet dark knight, coming to save her, but you can't protect her for long whore."

"You can't be my sword," you whispered.

"He is not your sword," the woman said sternly.

"Then who is he?" you inquired, still very confused.

" He refused to tell me who he is," she answered. "Come, this is his side of the inner world."

"Her body will be mines soon," the man voice echo as you follow the knight-like woman out.

She lead you out of the darkness, to in front of kingdom like heaven with clouds surrounding the atmosphere. This must have been your true inner world, it felt like a second home to you.

"Tell me," the woman begin gaining your attention. "You want power that bad, you would release such an evil vile?"

You didn't know how to answer that question, you wanted his power only because you thought he was your zanpakuto. A part of you knew he was lying, but you couldn't stop yourself from wanting to unleased him. Although you couldn't see him, you could feel the power emitting from his body, it felt beyond the limits of powers.

"I....don't know," you say, almost whispering.

The woman studies you before turning her back towards you. "Power is what you seek? If that is what you seek, I will help you. But you're not quite ready for my power," she stated. "But when you are, you will hear me name. For now, I think it is time for you to awaken."

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