New School

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You woke up the sound of your favorite music playing from your cellphone. You were very excited, today was the day you move into the Soul Academy in Seireitei Town, and become a real soul reaper.

You packed most of your clothes and belongings the night before. You hurried and took a shower and finished and stuffed a muffin down your throat and called it breakfast.

"Almost done hun," your mother asks, standing in the doorway.

You nodded. "Yup, that's everything." You smiled widely at her. "I'm really going to miss you mom."

Your mom walked over and embraced you tightly. "I know sweetheart, but at least you have a few friends at the Soul Academy. And don't forget about your cousin, you've her as well."

She was right your two best friends were both training at the academy. They had both left the previous year and you hadn't seen them since. You still occasionally text them, but you didn't really like bothering them.

After all, the Soul Academy was just like a school, besides the training portions. And then there was your cousin, she had been there for two years now and was consider a junior.  You wonder would she even hang around with a freshman like you?

Well at least you still had your two best friends.

You and your mother took the boxes downstairs, as you saw your cousin pull up in her nice size mini van.

"{NAME!}" she screeched loud enough to wake the neighbors.  Running over to you, she pulled you into a very tight hug.

"C-can't breath Rangiku," you said, seeing your life flash before your young eyes.

Rangiku giggled letting you go. "Sorry, I tend to get a little carried away. So are you ready to go?"

You nodded eagerly.

Rangiku helped you and your mother load the boxes into the car. You gave a heartwarming goodbye to your mother, and took a seat in the passenger seat.

"Ready {NAME}?"


Rangiku smiled and waved to your mother, as she took off.

Next stop was going to be your brand new school.


"We're here," Rangiku says, waking you up.

You let out a yawned, the drive had been a long one, but you had finally made it. The school was one of the biggest schools you had ever seen. Sprawling over a block long, or more.You could tell some of the buildings were old base on the designs.

Rangiku pulled around to the dormitories building.  

"Look like someone is waiting on you," Rangiku says, pointing out the window.

You turned to see your best friend Momo waving happily at you.

"Hey Momo," you greeted, hoping out the car and hugging her.

"{NAME}, I missed you so much!" Momo says with sincerity in her voice.

You looked around for your other friend, but you did not see him. Maybe he was too busy to come see you?

"{NAME}," a voice greeted you from behind.

You turned to see the white hair male you were looking for. You smiled brilliantly. 


You ran over and hugged him tightly, he embraced you back just as eager.

"I told you not to call me that," he chided you, but was still smiling.

You chuckled, he has always hated that nickname. You and Momo had been calling him that since you were younger.

"Aww, you two look so cute together," Rangiku pointed out.

Both of your faces flushed. 

"What? He has been talking about you coming here for weeks," Rangiku continued.

"Matsumoto!" Toshiro growled, and oddly enough it felt colder outside.

"Sorry, my lips are sealed," Rangiku says, with a playful wink. 

"You need help moving into your dorm?" Momo asked.

You didn't really want to be bother to them, but you could use the extra set of hands. Before you could answer both Momo and Toshiro started helping unload the car.

Momo smiled. "Come on NAME-chan!" 

You smiled, at least you had your best friends back.

Moving your belongings to the room wasn't that hard, since your room was only on the second floor. When you got there you saw the room had been decorated on one side. You figured it must have been your roommate's side. You noticed her odd taste in designs. Nothing but black cats decorated over the wall.

Well, at least you knew one thing about your roommate, she sure loved cats.

Toshiro, Rangiku and Momo left to finish up some business. You thank them before they left.

"Of course NAME-Chan, what are friends for," Momo said. "Meet me by the fountain at four, I'll show your around the school."

"And around the boys, I bet you'll be a hit {NAME}." Rangiku added.

"OK," you agreed, happy that she offered to take you around ignoring your cousin's wink.

After they left you finished unpacking the last of your belongings. You had folded all your clothes and placed them in the dresser.

"Who are you?" a voice said from behind.

You didn't hear anyone come into the room. You turned around to see a petite young lady, around your age staring at you. She had short black-hair, with two long braids bound in a cloth. She must've been your roommate Shaolin Fēng. Why did she sneak feel the need to sneak in her own room?

"{FIRST} {LAST}, I'm your roommate," you say warmly, extending you hand.

"Whatever," she sneered walking past your hand. You let it fall back to you side. 

"Look here I've three rules," Feng begin, getting your attention. "Don't come to my side, don't touch my bed. And don't EVER touch my cat. And don't ever call me by my given name. Soi-Fon will do just fine. Got it?"

That was actual four rules, but you didn't point that out.

"OK..?" you said carefully.

"Good,"she says grabbing her iPod and stuff cat and flopping on the bed.

What was so special about that cat?

You really didn't want to find out the answer to that, something in your gut told you so.

You grabbed your cellphone and walked out the room. You wanted to look around till it was time to meet your cousin and Momo at the fountain. And a part of you wanted to get as far away from Soi-Fon as you could.

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