The Music Store

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Kido-Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Zanjutsu- Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Training 101-Monday, Wednesday

Hoho-Tuesday, Thursday

History 101- Tuesday, Thursday

Hakuda class-Tuesday, Thursday

Healing and health- Friday

You thanked the soul king you didn't have any more classes today, you were so beat you thought your legs were about to give out. This was harder than you thought , but lucky for you quitting wasn't in your blood.

After taking a well-rested break in your room, you took a quick shower and put on some normal clothes. You threw on a pair of jeans along with a v-neck top and boots. Your favorite artist's CD was coming out today, and you wanted to be the first to get it.

You didn't want to bother anyone since they might still be in class so, you Googled the directions on your phone to the nearest music store, which was only a few blocks away.

You grabbed your bag and walked out the door.

The Music Store.

Well that was creative, you open the door and walked in. The place felt like heaven, a music lover heaven anyway. Music playing from the back, CD's all around the store.  Obnoxious teens ranting on about which artist is better-- yup music heaven.

You scanned the store till your eyes landed on the said CD, it was the last one and it was calling your name.

You walked over to grab it but someone else was also holding a part of the CD. It was a male,he was tall and lean-built man with dark gray eyes, his hair fell against his face and three faded scars straight over his eye that lead down to his right cheek which had 69 tattoo on it. From his appearance he looked like a punk-rocker.

"Well this is awkward..." the male said rubbing his neck with his free hand.

" you like this artist as well?" you asked trying to strike a conversation.

He smiled." My favorite artist of all time."

Your face broke into a equal smile. "I know such a wonderful artist with meaningful lyrics."

"Did you hear the other album before this?"

"Yeah, that was all time favorite one. It was the only album that could make me cry."

"Same here, besides the crying part."

You both laughed.

You looked down to see you both were still holding the CD. "Umm, well you were here first," you said dropping your hand from the CD.

"Wait, maybe they'll have another in soon," he replied, you nodded.  You both asked the sales representative if the CD would be back in stock. He said popular CD such as the one you wanted would stay sold out for months. You sighed in disappointment, looks like you would have to wait till it comes back in stock.

"Oh, well let me know if you like it," you said in a disappointing tone, you walked out the store and back towards your school. You heard him calling after you, causing you to stop and turn around.

He jogged up to you. "Hey if you want I could burn you a CD?"

Your face lit up, and you could barely hold back the smile.

"Really!" you said a little too eagerly, causing him to laughed.

"Yeah, if you give me your number...."he trialed off, his face had a slight blush. "Not to call you--I mean I'm going to call, to give you the CD..." , his face was now the color of a tomato.

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