A lost reaper

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"I'm so lost....." you moaned walking aimlessly around the school,  first day of kido and you didn't have the slightest idea where your class was. You had asked a few students for directions, but most of them just pointed to the nearest direction which ended up always being wrong.  

You sighed loudly and continued to walk. As you walked you bump into something causing you to lose your balances and fall backwards.

"Ouch.." you said rubbing your head, you looked up to see you didn't hit a wall but a person.  Taking in his appearance, he had messy sliver hair with strands dangling in his face,  his eyes looked shut, with a foxlike smile. He wore a all black outfit, with a red haori.  He must have been some ranking officers, you read in your history books that only soul reapers with high positions could wear those.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," you said getting up and dusting yourself off. You gave him a slight apologetic bow, the man looked at you with the creepiest smile you ever seen.

"No harm down NAME-chan," the man said with a chuckle, you don't know why but when he spoke it sent a shiver down your spine. You shifted under his gaze, even without seeing his eyes you knew he was staring right at you. 

He titled his head slightly and asked,"So, where you running off to in a such a hurry?"

"I was looking for my kido class in was suppose to be in the training grounds 6032, but I am little lost," you said uneasy, this guy maybe a ranking officer but something about him made your skin crawl.

"Well why didn't you say so, I'll take ya right to it," he said and before you knew it he had grabbed your arm and flash-stepped away.

You never flash-stepped before in your life, your grandmother had tried to teach you but you had ultimately fail at learning. He was going so fast, it looked like time had stopped as he moved.

"Here we are," he announced letting go of your wrist. You read the sign and it said training grounds 6032, this was the place. For a second you thought he was taking you somewhere else, but you did have the tendency to over think things.

"Thanks!" you said with a slight bow and spiriting off towards the class.

"Bye-bye NAME-chan, we will being seeing each other again." you heard him say as you run towards your class, but you didn't pay much attention to his words.

You arrived at the training ground and you could see your now classmates standing in a single file line, you made your way over to the class. 

You made your way to the line, and as you walked you could hear a few whispers from your classmates. You ignored them and join the line at the end. The instructor walked and stopped in front of you. His appearance was quite odd he was tall like a giant, with a pink mustache and hair.  He wore a long purple mantle with a gold bow tow.

At first you thought he was going to scold you for being late, but he did the opposite.

"You must be LAST NAME , nice to meet you," he greeted you with a smile. "I'm Mr. Ushōda but please call me Hachi instead."

You smiled.

"Nice to meet you to Hachi."  He smiled and went on to talking about the kido lesson.

"OK, I'm going to split you into pairs of two this will be your partner for the rest of year," he announced getting your attention, he started calling out students names and their partner. You blank out till you heard your name.

"LAST and Kuchiki," he said, you looked around to see who that was but you did not have the slightest idea who you were look for. After all you were new here.

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