Batman, the new kid and the cynical

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You walked down towards the cafeteria to grab lunch before your next class started, you were so hungry you could smell the food down the hall. You didn't need directions, it was as if your nose brought you all the way there.  Walking inside you grab a tray and filled it up with your favorite food and drink.

You looked around the cafeteria for an open table.


You heard a voice call from behind, you turned and spotted Kaien, Rukia, Ichigo, and one other sitting at the table. They waved their hands for you to come over. You smiled happily, walking over to their table with a tray  full of food.

"Hey guys," you greeted.

"{NAME}, you want to eat lunch with us?" Rukia asked.

"Sure," you said taking a seat next to her.

“YOU’RE {NAME}!" their friend squeaked.  She had long brunt orange hair, and big brown eyes.

"Oh, my, goodness! You’re the one that everyone talking about. You must be really strong to beat Tier..." she went on babbling for a while. You were sure she going to suffocated due to the lack of oxygen she getting, but she didn't she went on with no breaths. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Inoue Orihime," Orihime said finally taking a breath.

You gave her a faint smiled. "Nice to meet you Orihime."

"I can't believe you almost beat Tier, isn't she like top of her class?" Rukia asked.

"Yeah, I saw the fight from afar you’re not bad {NAME}," Kaien said ruffling you hair. You hadn't realize Kaien had been watching you, you felt a little proud that you were able to impressive a third year student. 

Kaien smiled. "Where did you learn how to fight anyway?"

"My grandmother taught me," you replied, not wanting to go any further. Your grandmother was a soft spot, and you didn't like to talk about to anyone about her besides your mom.

"You keep fighting like that I might have to spar against you," Ichigo added smiling at you.

"I don't think your stand a chance against new kid the extraordinary," you teased holding your arms in a super hero pose for emphasis.

Everyone laughed.

Lunch went fast, and soon it was time for your next class. Kaien and Ichigo both volunteered to take you to class. You couldn’t help but notice how much alike the two were, they almost looked like twins.Besides the different hair color, their personalities were also very similar.

You guessed it was just a coincidences. You didn't have to walk long, it was just a few halls down, you gave a waved and a quick "thank you" to them as you walked into class.

The instructor who name read off your schedule as Mr. Otoribashi, was sitting behind his desk looking over some papers. He was a fairly tall man with long blonde hair, and a perpetually bored expression. You were about to introduce yourself but he stopped you already aware of who you were.

"{NAME}," he said never looking up. "Yes, I'm very aware of who you are."

You bowed and looked around for a seat, the room was very crowed, and looked like a lecture style classroom that are in colleges. You realize there was a couple seats open near the front, you choose to sit between a raven hair male and a girl with white hair.

Mr. Otoribashi went on to explain what you guys were doing today. Turns out training 101 was a class for hand on experiences as well as lectures He went on for a while till he got to his last announcement.

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