We have a sports team?

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"Hiya Byakuya!" you greeted the stoic male as you walked in, you skipped in happily, for the first time you were early for class. 

You do think the only reason you were on time was because of your roommate unusual way of waking you up. Today she kicked you...literally out of the bed and screamed "reflex check completed.  Grade C-."

You sighed, you really needed a new roommate.

He just simply nodded at your bubbly greeting. The instructor hadn't made it yet, so you just took a stand next to him. The other students were chatting amongst each other. The awkwardness filled the air quickly between you both. You didn't know what to say to him since you barely knew each other besides the fact he was a noble and Rukia's older brother.  

"So," you began, breaking the awkward silences. "How's your day going...." you finished lamely, mentally face-palming at your dull-witted question.

"What kind of question was that you baka!" you mentally scolded yourself. 

He rose an eyebrow. "There is no need for small talk, we are partners nothing more," he said rather coldly.

You were a little taken back by his words, he was truly as cold as he looked. But that wasn't going to stop you.

"Yeah, but we're  going to be partners for the rest of the year, I don't see why we can't at least be able to hold a decent conversation," you said with a nervous chuckle looking at his stoic face. He stared at you, his face unreadable.

"Perhaps you're right," he finally said. "That was rather rude of me."

"No problem, my question was lame anyway," you said with a chuckle, his lips twitched into a very small smirk but you manage to see it.

"So how about I ask you a question than you ask me one?" He nodded and you begin with your question. This went on for awhile till the instructor walked in. The rest of the period everyone was learning how to use new kido spells, and how to control them.

The bell ringed, you waved Byakuya a goodbye and walked towards your next class.  You made it to your class as you were walking in you fell flat on your face. You didn't know what you could have possible tripped over. You looked up to see a smirking Tier and her sister behind her.

Of course, she was the one that tripped you.

"What a dumbass,"  Apacci snorted.

"You should be more careful, you wouldn't want more accident happening," Tier threaten you, and she and her sister walked in.

You sighed, getting up and dusting your clothes off. You walked in making sure to throw the sisters the most dirties glare you could give. You walked off to take a seat with your friends, a little stuck-up brat wasn't going to ruin your mood.

The class went quickly and soon it was lunch time. You waved a goodbye to your friends and walked off to your locker. You placed a few books in, you could hear your stomach growling, you hurried and locked your locker and walked to lunch.

You made it to the cafeteria with no need for direction. "Finally lunch time!" you shouted with happiness. You grabbed your lunch and looked around for a table to sit at. You were about to sit at a table alone till you heard a voice call you from behind.

Toshiro, Momo

"{NAME}!" You heard Momo yelled, you turn to see her and Toshiro sitting at a table. You  were a little shock to see your friends you just left class with in lunch. Momo waved as you walked over to the table. You smiled sitting your tray down and joining both her and Toshiro at the table.

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