Stand and fight {NAME}!

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A/N: Bold=your thoughts. Italics=Sword/other

You observed the area. it was wide enough for you all to fight and not hurt anyone. The wind grew tensed as you prepared to attack.  Kaien and Toshiro had their swords aimed at the two known as Edrad and Nakeem, Momo had her sword ready for Yylfordt, while you and Ichigo both waited for Shawlong and Di Roy Rinker to make a move. Your hands begin to sweat, as you watched the two males sized both of you up.

"Be careful," Ichigo warned you.

You nodded. "You as well."

"Shame, that you choose to fight," Shawlong said. "The last thing I wanted was blood of a  low level soul reaper on my hands."

"This should be fast." Di Roy Rinker smirked, and disappeared.

Your eyes widen as you realize what he was doing, he had flashed behind Ichigo in a blink of an eye, as he brought his sword down to strike. Ichigo must have sensed him coming because he block his attack with his sword

"Ichigo!" you said running towards him, only to be block by Shawlong.

"Don't worry about me {NAME}, just focus on your fight!" Ichigo yelled, you nodded. He was right you had to worry about the man blocking your way.

"No need to worry {LAST}, I won't kill you," Shawlong said. "You are needed alive."

He slowly drew a long sword from his belt, as the blade made a hissing whisper as it was removed from the sheathe.  All while you held him firmly in your gaze, not moving an inch.

"I won't promise this won't hurt, you still have time to hand over the notes?" he urged.

You shook your head. "A true soul reapers never runs from a battle."

"Suit yourself," he sighed. "Don't hold back or I will break you."

With that he launched at you, bringing his sword behind his back and swung it at you with a heavy force. You blocked his attack with your sword and pushed him back with all your force. He push back and brought his sword down, you managed to sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hair beneath your face. You brought your sword upwards in a swift motion, he flashed back out of your sword's range.

"Not bad," Shawlong praised you. "Did not expect for you to actually know how to use a sword."

You smirked. "Don't underestimate me, I was raised fighting not playing with dolls."

"I see, well let us see how good you really are."

He flashed out of your view and you tried your best to guess where he was coming from. In a mere second he had flashed on your side, but you were wide open which he used to his advantage. He kicked you on your wounded side and sent you flying  as you skidded and tumbled along the ground, uncontrolled, only for the wall to block your tumbled.

You groaned in agony holding the side of your wound that had reopened, you cough up some blood spitting it on the ground. You could hear his footsteps coming close as he come to a halt, hovering over you.

I'll just take those," he said, reaching down for your bag. You knew you had to react and fast, you held your hand up, he looked at you in surprise.

"Red canon!"

The flames generated from your hand, and shoot at him, he flashed out of the way.

You grabbed your sword and stood up holding your wound side in the process. You placed your hand over the wound and begin to heal it. The minor heal did not stop much of the pain but it did close it enough to stop the bleeding.

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