Alone Time 2/2

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You walked back towards your dorm, and went straight to your room. You showered since in training you had to run laps again, you put on your favorite cute outfit, you texted your mom to let her know you were doing fine before you left out your room. You were bored and didn't want to be stuck in the room all day, you wanted to find something to do.

So, what did you do?

Operation: Colorful (GIN)

You received a text from your cousin, she invited you to eat in the juniors and seniors dining hall with them. You accepted, you hadn't really hung with her since you been there. And you heard the food was better there than you dining hall. You  to the dining hall, you walked in and spotted your cousin, Kira, Orihime and a person you didn't recognize.

She introduced you to her friend, Nanao Ise, she was a petite woman with black hair and oval glasses. You all grabbed dinner and talked during the whole meal, Rangiku brought up embarrassing stories, you scolded her but ended up laughing. Orihime talked about her home cooking that she wanted you to try one day, Rangiku looked excited but Kira and Nanao face turned blue. The conversation drift from that to school, boys, clothes, back to boys. Your cousin favorite topic was boys, you couldn't help but chuckle at that.

You were walking back to your dorm with your cousin, talking till someone interrupted you both.

"Well if it isn't {NAME} and Rangiku." Gin said coming into you view, a huge gin plastered on his face. 

"Gin!" Rangiku squeaked, hugging the man tightly, he embraced her back. "What are you doing out here?" You looked at your cousin a little surprise, you didn't know she knew Gin, but now you thought back to it she did mention a male by that name who was her childhood friend. 

"I came looking for {NAME}, I need her help her somethin'," he said looking right at you with a grin.

You blinked in a surprise manner, why did he need your help with this late at night?

"Wait, you two know each other?" Rangiku asked looking back and forth between you both.

You sighed and decided to answer. "Not really, he's just the advisor of my club,"  you replied, Gin's grin fell slightly.

"Awe {NAME}, I thought we were at least friends, I'm hurt," he said placing his hand over his heart.

"What do you need with my cousin anyway Gin?" Rangiku questioned, obviously suspicious of her friend's intention with you.  

"I can't tell ya that! It's a club secret mission!" Gin said amiably. "I can't go around tellin' just anyone."

"Aww Gin, but I'm not just anybody." Rangiku protested looking slightly hurt.

"Sorry Rangiku, it's a secret," he smiled patting her on the shoulder.

"I'll bring yer cousin back in one piece I promise," he said, and in one motion he had grabbed your arm and flash-step off. You hadn't realize he did this till your were already a block away.

"You better bring her back soon Gin!" you heard your cousin yell.

He landed in front of a house as he came to a stop, he dropped your arm and you grabbed ahold of your spinning head. It took you a minute to gather where Gin had brought you, it was a modern Japanese style house with a pond in the front, and was that of a simple design.

"Gin, why the hell are we here?" you asked slightly annoyed.

He smiled. "Operation: Colorful is in process."

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