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When you made it to the other side, along side your team. Orihime was walking next to you babbling on about something, you just smiled and nodded, but then you noticed she didn't have a sword. You couldn't believe she had forgotten her sword at a time like this.

"Orihime, where is your sword?" you asked.

"Oh, I don't have a sword." Orihime smiled. She noticed your bewilder expression and added, "I have a unique power, so I was unable to get a zanpaktou on the entry exam. Me and Chad are the only few students without a sword."

You had heard that only a seldom of people were accepted if they didn't managed to muster up a zanpaktou, but you hadn't realize Orihime was one of those people. You wondered what her powers could have been, you figured they must have been special if they allowed her to stay.

Everyone had came to a halt, and waited for the next instructions. You looked around not observing where you were at, the place looked deserted but you knew people must have lived here.

"I wonder what the hell were going to be doing in this deserted place," you thought.

"Hunting demi-hollows," Shuhei answered, smiling at you. You looked at him shocked wondering how he knew what you were thinking, then you let out a sigh.

"I was thinking out loud again wasn't I?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

He nodded.

"I really need to learn to stop doing that," you said, shaking your head.

"Hunting hollows, is that even safe?" Tier asked.

"I said demi-hollows," Shuhei corrected her, Tier rolled her eyes. "There not even hollows, and are three times weaker than a average one. They are basically souls that have yet to fully transform into a hollow, but are no longer living, you will use your soul braying on them." 

"We are just cleansing their souls?" Ichigo asked, Shuhei nodded.

"This should be fun!" Orihime said, clapping her hands together.

"Follow me," Shuhei said, flicking his wrist in the direction he was going. He took you guys to a forest, where a soul reaper was standing. He was dark skin, with a large afro and thick sideburns.

"Kurumadani, I presume?" Shuhei asked the man.

"That's me the most elite soul reaper around!" the afro-man boosted.

You couldn't help but let out a scoff, at his words, "if he was the elites soul reaper than why was here guarding a boring village," you thought.

The man looked at you angrily while Shuhei chuckled, you slapped your palm against your forehead.

"You really need to work on that," Toshiro said coolly, standing next to you. You dropped your head in shame.

"Alright there will be teams of two, since we have an odd number of people someone going to be working with me," he said, then he looked at you. "{NAME}, you'll be with me. Pair up and get ready you have two hours."

You had gotten the hang of soul braying fairly quickly, you and Shuhei had managed to take down ten demi-hollows in two hours.

"Not bad, we make quite a team," Shuhei said, ruffling your hair.

"What can I say, I have Mr. hotshot  as my partner," you jested.

"And what can I say, I have the extraordinary new kid."

You both laughed.

"Alright, I think we're done for today," Shuhei said, reading his instruction's book. "Gather up, were done for today."

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