31: dare

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I was about to write a filipino chapter but merp, and sorry for the first chapter that I updated. I can't really think straight for this past few days and I'm running out of ideas so...

Hope you like this chapty!


"Urgh, can we stop talking about him?" You irritatedly said and your best friend stopped talking. You looked at her nonchalantly and sighed.

"Please just not this time, I'm so full of hearing killua every single time." You said and stood up, going to your secret place that you can only know. After arriving there, you slowly opened the book that you're recently reading and read it quietly.

You suddenly flinched when you heard a bush behind you, you turned around and stared at this bush with a green spiky part? What the hell?

"Shh gon, quiet down and duck more, she might see us." You heard a familiar voice.

Oh so it's gon and killua. And wait, how did they know this place?

"Ehem." You coughed and surprisingly killua suddenly came out behind the bush with gon.

"My food was there.. I mean a bunny, carried it all the way here." He said and looked away.

A bunny? And killua? The school kingka and the rank 1 in your class? Why is he here?

"So, what do you want from me?" You asked. He stared at you and sat beside you, you were shocked at what he did and looked at him vaguely.

"Let's do a dare." He asked and looked at you.

"If you can beat me in this upcoming exam I'll do whatever you want, and if I win, then be my girlfriend and I'll get a kiss from you." He smirked and you looked at him ridiculously. You jabbed him at his side, he shivered and coughed out.

"What was that for?!"

"Stop playing with me asshole, now go back to your BUSH where the BUNNY placed your food." You shooed him.

"What? You're shooing the almighty killua?!" He looked at you with his cat eyes and gon held him back. You wore your poker face and smirked at him.

"How bad do you want me? Heh, it's a deal then. I'll beat you this upcoming exam." You took your things and walked away from them.

You left killua there, with a red face.


The exams are finally up and you did your best at reviewing and studying. You took your pencil out as the teacher allowed all of you to answer your tests. Circling down an answer you looked at your side to see killua with a serious face on, you tried not to laugh in the middle of your exam and just continued answering your exam.

He looks focused, he likes me then?

After answering the last page of your exam, you reviewed all your answers till the time has stopped.

"Students pencils up and please fall in line as you place down your exam papers on my desk." The teacher commanded.

You finally took your exam down as you felt a sudden anxiety overcome your body. You took your lunchbox as you tried remembering what you did wrong.

What's with this anxiety?

You continued eating your bento as someone sat beside you, you looked at killua while he's eating a sandwich.

"The exams were easy. Did you checked your test paper well?" He asked and walks away not even bothering to hear your answer.

And checked your paper well? Uhh...

Oh wait... Holy mother of middle fingers. You fucking just forgot the most important in an exam.


"Killua, got a ninety five over one hundred and next is... Whose paper is this?" The teacher checked the paper and you suddenly felt your while body went numb.

"There's no name and the last one that I'm announcing is (Y/n). (Y/n)! You got a perfect score. But sadly, I'm changing your score to 90 since you forgot to write your name." As soon as the teacher said that, you closed your eyes and your head soon collided with your desk.

"Whhyyyyy! Why did I forgot to write my name?!" You whined and looked at killua who was smirking at you. You glared at him and only sulked.

Now you're gonna be his girlfriend, and he's getting a kiss from you.



Ohohoho that's it guys! I hope you're not that confused by this one shot HAHA I always confuse you guys amirait? And oh btw should I make another anime one shots? Like the haikyuu version?

Comment if you want a haikyuu x reader story soon! Don't forget to like, comment and follow me!



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