Chapter 2

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*Madi's POV*

Today is the day I'm moving across the country. I'm soooo nervous we are driving there so it's going to take about 2 days.

We packed eveything in the moving Truck and some stuff in our car and we leave the home I've know my whole life.

All my friends.

Everything I have know.

But I still can't wait!!!!!

We pack up the moving truck and our car and head off. Me and my mom and sister is the car and my dad and brother in the moving truck.

•2 hours later•

I fell asleep then my mom work me up so we can eat.

We stop at Wendy's to eat. We get our food and head back out on the road.

"You excited sweetie" mom asked

"Yes. But I'm just going to miss all my friends"

"Don't worry you'll make new ones"

I smile at her and go back to my food.

•6 hours later•

We stop for dinner at a diner.

We eat and talk for about 1 1/2 hours then pay the bill and go to the hotel for the night.

I can't fall asleep so I text my best friend. Ally.



Allycat🐱💕- hey how's the trip.

Madisun☀️💕- boring my butt hurts a lot. Sitting in a Car all day not much fun.

Allycat🐱💕- I saw all you snapchats with your mom singing and you sister sleeping

Madisun☀️💕- ya the only time Lily was awake was for food.

Allycat🐱💕- 😂😂 I wish I could hug you now! I miss you sooooooooo f-ing much!!!!!!!

Madisun☀️💕- I MISS YOU TOOOOOO❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Allycat🐱💕- 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Madisun☀️💕- Well should get some sleep long day tomorrow! 😒😒

Allycat🐱💕- haha ok ILOVEYOU💕💕 night night

Madisun☀️💕- ILOVEYOUTOO💕💕

•end of texts•

I shut off my phone put it in the charger and go to sleep.

•The Morning•

Dad wakes me up at 6:45!

I get dressed in black leggings and a big baggy sweater. (Picture at the top)

Lily is still sleeping so I pick her up and put her in the car and get in the passenger sit next to my mom and we head in the road.

I put my headphones in and go to sleep.


It's not easy sleeping in a car.

Every bump we hit my head banged against the window so I give up and sleep and scroll through Instagram.

I stalk my friends and celebrity's and such then go on snapchat and mess around will all the filters.

My favorite one is the puppy one its sooo cute! (It is my favorite)

"Sweetheart you can put you seat back to sleep if you want" mom said


So I put my set back and sleep

•5 hours later•

My mom wakes me up so I can eat some food.

I wake up Lily so she can eat too

She runs up to Matt after she gets out of the car

"Can you carry me" she asks Matt

"Sure thing little one" he says

He lifts her up and places her on his hip.

I take my phone out and take and picture and post it on snapchat and send it to him.

We get our food we talk for a while cuz we haven't talked really for 5 hours.

After we are done we get back in the car. And take off the the road.

I hear my phone buzz and I see that Matt texted me.


Brutha💚- haha like the picture new lockscreen.

Sista💜- good you look so cute together. SIBLING GOALS!!!!

Brutha💚- lol. Dads talking my ear off.

Sista💜- moms singing my ear off and lily is just laughing her head off.

Brutha💚- what's wrong with our family

Sista💜- idk and probably will never know just gotta live with it.

Brutha💚- haha well I'm going to sleep. See you in a few hours

•end of texts•

I decided to get some sleep too.

•6 hours later•

We get to out hotel and I carry lily in cuz she's passed out and will be till morning.

As soon as my head hit the pillow in out like a light.

•The Morning•

Last day in the road we should be at our new house around noon.

We leave the hotel at 8 to go straight to the house

•4 hours later•

As we pull into the driver i look at the house and it's so nice and big!

I get out of the car and get Lily and Matt comes to us.

We just stand and look at the house

"Hey you three come look inside the house" dad yells

We all go to the front door and walk in.

The house is so nice.

The kitchen is big.

The living room and nice and cozy

I walk up the stairs to check out my room.

I find it and walk in.

I have my own bathroom an and big closet.

I walk back down stairs and the doorbell rings and I go and answer it...

Can you just take and moment so I can say JACEABELA IS REAL!!!!! And I might put a little jaceabela in the beginning then maybe now well sorry I took so long to update so ya I'll update soon.

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