Chapter 23

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*Jace's POV*

I honestly don't know what to say. Madi looks up at me and waits for me to say something and after awhile I finally do

"Ya I do love you"

I look at her and she smiles

"I love you too"

I smile and kiss her.

I pick her up and place her on the bed and get on top of her. My hands go to her shirt but she stops me.

"Not now my parents are home and I'm on my period"

I groan and put my face in her neck. She laughs and I start to kiss her neck. Her fingers run through my hair.

"Jace really sto..."

She cuts herself off with a moan because I found her sweetspot and started sucking on it.

I pull away and I have her a hicky.

She gets up and looks in the mirror.

"Really Jace"

"Whoops" I shrug

She gets out her makeup and covers it up.

"Thank god for makeup"

I walk up behind her grab her hands turn her around and pick her up over my shoulder.

"Jace put me down"

I take her phone that's on the counter. He legs are on either side of my head her arms are wrapped around my waist. I take a picture the put her down.

She pushes her hair out of her face takes her phone from me and looks at the picture. She laughs and posted it on Instagram. (Pic⬇️)

She captions it:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

She captions it:

Save me! ❤️

I like it and look through the comments.



Why must they be so fucking cute

Jace could do better

Why can't I have a bf like Jace!

I put my phone away and sit on her bed while she gets her laptop so we can watch netflixs.

She puts the laptop on my lap and cuddles into me. my arm is around her waist. I kiss her head and press play.

We watch a movie then her mom calls us for dinner. She made spaghetti. We sit down and eat.

After we eat we sit on couch to watch tv my mom texted me telling me I have to go home. Madi sits in my lap because she doesn't want me to leave.

"Madi I have to go"


She hides her face in my neck.


"Can't you sleep over"

"It's a school night"

"So we live next to each other"

"You know Jace you could just pick her up and carry her to your house to sleepover we don't care" her dad says


I pick her up bridal style and carry her

"I'll bring her back in the morning"

I carry her to my house

When I walk in my mom gives me a look

"She's sleeping over"


I go to my room and drop her on my bed.

"I'm going to shower"

I kiss her forehead and go into the bathroom. I shower and come out to see Madi in my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

"I like your clothes"

"Thanks mate"

I get changed and hope into bed with her.

"Love you" she says

"I love you too"

And I kiss her head and fall asleep.
This is just a cute chapter because I got bored and didn't know what to right next. And thanks for 2k reads!!!!!!

Lizzy xx

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