Chapter 18**

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(⚠️Warning⚠️ there is smut I will warn you right before so you can skip over it) ahhh I'm nervous for this chapter

*Madi's POV*

Today I go back to California and I can't wait to see everyone but mostly Jace.

When I was gone my feelings for Jace really developed.

We leave early in the morning to get to the airport get there go though everything get in the plane and go home

•back at the house•

When we get back at the house I put all my stuff in my room and run over to Jace's not caring how I look

I knock on the door and Mrs. Norman opened the door

"Hey Madi Jace is in his room"

"Thank you"

I go upstairs into his room and when he hears me open the door he looks at me and jumps out of bed and runs over and Hugs me.

He picks me up and spins me around

Once he sets my on the floor he looks into my eyes and says

"I'm so glad you're home"

I smile and we both lean in and kiss.

My arms are wrap around his neck tightly so I won't fall because he picked me up cuz I'm much shorter than him

I'm really glad his brother isn't in the room.

I wrap my legs around his waist and his arms go from my waist to under my thighs.

He carries me over to his bed and lays me down and he gets on top of me.

After a few minutes of making out we pull away to catch our breath.

I run my fingers through his hair and he lifts me up into a sitting position and we just look into each others eyes

Nothing could ruin the moment till his mom knocks on the door I get off his lap and his mom comes in

"Me and Dad are going to the store be back in an hour or so"

She closes the door

"Hi" he's says

I laugh "hi"

"Well that was some hello"

"Yes, yes it was"

"So how was New York"


I lay back down on his bed he gets on top of me.

"I missed you a lot"

"I missed you to"

He kisses me and his hands go to the hem of my shirt I let him pull it off. He kisses me and again and puts his hands under my sports bra and he squeezes my boobs. I gasp and he puts his tongue in my mouth. He pulls off my bra. And he pulls away and takes off his shirt

He leans down to kiss me and as he does our pelvises grind against each other and I arch my back so our bare chests meet.

I pull off his belt and I do his button and zipper in his pants and he slides them off.

I can clearly see a bulge in his pants. He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs s condom.

"Are you sure" he ask

I nod


He pulls down my leggings and thong in one swift motion. And he pulls down his boxers and grabs the condom opens it and rolls it on.

He grunts as he enters me which turns me on. My breath hitches. It is really painful. But when he enters all the way it feels great.

I feel him start to trust. He starts out slow then gets faster

"Ohhh J-Jace"

He is moaning and grunting in my ear.

"Holy shit Madi you are so tight"

I push my pelvis up to make him go deeper and I let out a loud moan.

He kisses my neck leaving hickies then he found my sweetspot . He smiles and sucks on my neck.

He continues to thrust each time getting faster and harder. My nails are digging into his back as he find my G-spot

"Oh my g-god J-Jace"

"Fuck Madi, you feel good"

I feel my wall tighten around him.

"Holy s-shit Jace I-I'm gonna..."

I was cut of my a very loud moan and I drag my finger down his back and arch my back as I release.

Jace thrust harder and faster.

" Oh my god Madi"

He yells as he releases into the condom.

He collapses on top of me and we are both breathing heavily. He pulls out of me take if the condom and throws it away.


He lays down next to me and we are both breathing heavily. He looks at me and smiles

I look at him and realize

I just lost my V-Card to Jace Norman.

*Jace's POV*

What do you do when you have sex with your best friend even though you really like her and you took each others Virginity.

We are both breathing very heavily. I look at her body and she's perfect.

"What are we now" she ask

I smirk and get on top of her

"What do you want to be"

"I don't know but after that I think I do"

"So you want to me my girlfriend"

"Of course, but you have to get dressed first"

I get off her and we both get dressed.

Then we kiss and #mace is official!!
Sorry if your not comfortable with smut I tries to make it short and they are together!!! WOO HOO!!

Lizzy xx

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