Chapter 13

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Posting this chapter because Jace hit 1m and Instagram. Follow me on Instagram @jacedanger_

*Madi's POV*

I was shocked at what I saw.

Nick was making out with another girl

"Madi it's not what it looks like"

"That's what they all say"

I have tears in my eyes


"Fuck you Nick, oh wait you are already doing that with her. Goodbye Nick"

I slam the door

I run door the stairs

"Madi honey is everything ok?" His mom stops me

"Ya just that your son is a two timing bastard"

With that I run out the door and get into the car. I'm full on crying now

"What the hell happened!?" Abby said as we pulled out of the drive way

"Nick is a two timing son of a bitch"

"That asshole on a stick"

I laugh at that

"I knew that would make you laugh"

We stop at Starbucks to get drinks to make it seem we went there and got one for Matt too.

I'm still crying when we get home. When run up to my room and Abby gives Matt his drink.

Ugh I Have school tomorrow I might ask my parents if I can stay home and have Jace come over because he's my best friend

Ya, my best friend..

•the next day•

I told my parents that me and Nick broke up but not the part that he cheated and they are letting me stay home and Jace come over.

My parents are at work and my siblings are at school when I wake up because Jace was shaking me

"Good morning" he said


"Just so you know I never liked him"

"Ya he's a real asshole"


*Jace's POV*

She looks really pretty without makeup. I would make a move but she just had a bad break up and I know he cheated because Abby told me.

I see her on her phone deleting pictures well it's good she's getting over him.

We spend the day watching Netflixs and she ends up falling asleep on my shoulder.

I wrap my arm around her and kiss her temple.

"I really like you Madi like a lot more than friends. I wish I could say that when you are awake

*Madi's POV*

Did Jace just say he liked me more than a friend! What the hell
Madi was really awake holy crap and I got that idea from 'Baby Daddy' on freeform cuz I'm watching it on Netflixs and Riley did that when Danny was "unconscious"

Lizzy xx

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