Chapter 11

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*Madi's POV*





I look at him with tears in my eyes

"Get out" I say and point to the window


He leaves and I go take a shower. After my shower I put my hair in a messy bun and put my pj's on

I crawl into bed and wrap my blanket around me and cry myself to sleep.


Thank god today is Sunday so I won't have to see Nick today. I have no clue what to do. I still like him but after that.... He could do it again so I text Abby

Madi💕💯: I need you to come over ASAP

Abby💕💯: yes ma'am I'm be there at 11:30

I smile and go downstairs

"Hey mom Abby is coming over at 11:30" I say

"Ok, I like that girl"

I sit at the table and mom sets some pancakes in front of me. Every Sunday we eat pancakes.

After breakfast I go up starts and get ready I just leave my hair in its natural state which is waves then I put on some foundation, powder and some mascara. The I get dressed in an oversized Adidas sweatshirt some black leggings and fuzzy socks (outfit⬇️)

 The I get dressed in an oversized Adidas sweatshirt some black leggings and fuzzy socks (outfit⬇️)

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When Abby got to mine she came straight to my room.

"What do you need to tell me" she asked and sat down on my bed

"Last night after I got home from Jace's Nick texted me and said he didn't want me hanging out with Jace then he came over and started kissing me then he tried to take off my shirt and I stopped him but t-then he uh h-h-hit m-m-m-me"

"He fucking hit you!!!"

I nod

"You need to break up with him and tell Matt"

"I know bu..."

"No buts break up with him and tell Matt or I will go to him now and tell him what he did"

"I want to tell Matt now kinda at least I think I should"

"Great idea"

I yell for Matt and he came

"You yelled" he says as he came into my

"I need to tell you something, sit"

He sat on my bed and I took a deep breath

"Last night after I came home from Jace's Nick came over and he tried to take off my shirt and I stopped him but after that ummmm he uhh h-hit m-m-me"
Ohhhhh cliffhanger!!!! What's Matt going to do!!!! And I need a ship name for Madi and Jace
#Mace or #Jadi???? Comment and vote please!!!!! See ya next week

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