Chapter 5

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*Madi's POV*

The comment said
"I know you know Jace and live next door to him. And obviously sense he doesn't follow you he doesn't know and I bet you don't what him to know that's why you haven't told him but I will..."

The account name was literally @nobodyimportant__

I was kind of scared but then I thought how will this person tell him. I brush it off and go to bed.

• a few weeks later•

I haven't gotten a message or comment from that person in a couple weeks but I haven't been really thinking about that because to day is my first day of school at a new school I'm super nervous

When my alarm goes off I turn it off scroll through Instagram and Twitter for about 30 min then get up and go take a shower.

After my shower I get dressed.

I put in white Capri jeans and a pink top that's really flowy (at the top)

After I'm done getting dressed I do my hair and makeup.

My hair is just simple curls and my makeup is pink and gold eyeshadow with some mascara and eyeliner. Then just a nude lip. (At the top)

I grasp my bag (at the top) and put all the school supplies I got in it. The go down stairs to get breakfast.

My Mom is making pancakes and bacon and it smells soooooo good.

"Good morning sweetie" mom says


Matt walks down ready for school too.

We all eat breakfast then me and Matt have to go to school.

Matt is driving us because he's better and I just have my permit.

I put on my blueish green ombré Vans (at the top) and we head out the door.

The ride wasn't that long we just didn't know where we were going.

When we finally got to school we went to the office to get out schedules.

We got our schedules them my brother walked me to my first block class.

I walked in late cuz we got confused so everyone is looking at me and I feel very uncomfortable.

"Ah you must be Miss. Madison the new student" my Geometry teacher says

I nod my head

"Please take a sit"

There's only one sit available next to a really cute guy. I sit down and Mr. cute guy turns towards me.

"Hey I'm Nick" Nick says


"Pretty name for a pretty girl"

I look away and blush and pay attention to the teacher

After Class nick comes up to me.

"Hey can I see your Schedule"

I hand him my schedule

"Sweet me have 1st, 3rd, and 4th block together"

"Awesome" I smile

"Hey I'll walk you to 2nd block"

"Thank you that would be nice"

He takes me to my second block class the runs to his so he's not late and all through second block all I can't think about is him.

After Spanish Nick finds me at my locker

"You want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"


I shut my locker and walk with him to lunch.

We sit down at his table and his friends are already there

"So Nick who's the hottie" some guys says

"This is Madi, Madi theses are my friends Josh, Adam, Greg, Sofia, Liz, and Abby" he points to everyone

I'm sitting next to Nick and Abby

"Hey I'm Abby"


"So how did you meet Nick"

"We had 1st block together"


We all talk then the bell rings and we have to go to class. Me and Nick walk and I see someone people looking at me weird I assume it's because I'm new so I brush it off.

We get into Class and I'm next to a girl named Haley.

"Hey, Just to worn you Nick kind of a player"

"Alright but I'm not planing on dating him"

"We'll just be careful"

I look are her and she's dressed like a Slut.

All during class Nick keeps looking over at me and Smiles and I get a weird feeling in my Stomach like butterflies.

We head to 4th block and we are sitting next to each other he keeps putting his arm on the back of my chair.

"Hey can I get your number then I will send you everyone else's numbers"


I gave him my number and he gives me his.

After Class I find Matt and walk to the car.

"So how was your day" he ask

"Fine I think I made some friends"

"Cool I meet this really hot girl and she gave me her number and we are going to meet up and..."



We put in some music and drive home

I still can't get Nick out of my head

Hi sorry it took so long to update but I'm on Summer Vacation so I mostly update more often and what do you think of Nick and btw Haley is based off of one if my old friends lol

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