Chapter 3

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*Madi's POV*

After I'm done checking out my room I go downstairs and I hear the door bell ring so I go over and answer it

I open the door and my heart kind of stops because I see Jace Norman and his family standing at my door step.

"Hi" I say

"Hi we live next door and just wanted to welcome you to the Neighbourhood" says Mrs. Norman

"Oh thank you. Um let me get my mom, um come in"

I run and go get my mom

" who was at the door sweetie"

"I'm Neighbors thay wanted to say hi um come talk to them"

We walk back to the front door.

My mom and Mrs. Norman start talking. I sit on the couch and go on Instagram. My personal just in case Jace sees. Speak of the devil he comes over to me

"Can I sit" he ask

"Sure" I say not trying to act like I'm some crazy fangirl

He sits next to me and starts talking to me.

"I'm Jace" he sits and holds out his hand

"Madison but please call me Madi" and I took his hand and shook it.

"Ok Madi. How old are you"


"Cool me too"

I know that I say in my head


"What's your favorite color?"

"Is this 20 question or something"


He gives me a weird smirk and we laugh

"Hey what's you Instagram"

"Uh @madisonlowe1"

He types something on his phone then I get a notification that's says '@jacenorman7 has followed you'

I go to his profile unfollow him then re follow him so he hopefully won't know.

We talk for a little longer and my brother and sister come into the room.

"Hey I'm Matt and this is Lily"


Lily looks at him weird. I think she recognized him. I take Lily from Matt and sit her on my lap and Matt sits next to me on the other side

"Hey you didn't ask why I have many followers on Instagram"

I shrugged " I don't really think about it"

"Well I'm on a T.V. Show"

Which I knew but I played along

"Oh cool which one"

He was about to answer me then Lily spoke up.

"I know you're on Henry Danger"

"You watch the show"


He laughs

"Well we are starting filming for season 3 you what to come to set" he ask her

"YES" she jumps of my lap and hugs him

He laughs and gives her a tight squeeze.

Well I'm not the only Henry Danger fan. Yep my sister loves it too. me and her will watch it every Saturday.

I smile and they pull away but she stays seated on his lap which he doesn't seem to mind.

"You guys can come too if you want"  he ask me and Matt

"Sure sounds fun" Matt says

"Ya sure" I say

Our parents stop talking and come over to us

"Jace time to go" his mom says


He stands up still holding Lily and gives her a big hug. He puts her down and comes over to me and gives me a hug. I have to go on my tip toes cuz I'm only 5'4 and he's like 5'7

"Hey give me your phone number so I can text you about coming to set" he says

"Ok" so we exchange phone numbers and he's out the door.

I go up stairs to my room and plop in my bed.

Jace Norman


*Jace's POV* (😏)

I walk back in my house and can't help but think about Madi. She's really pretty and nice and seems kind of shy which is cute and I recognize her from somewhere but can't put my finger on it. 

I can't stop thinking about how pretty she is but I got to stop because I'm dating Isabela...
Yes I'm adding Isabela because in all the other fanfiction I read they start dating like 2 weeks after they meet but I'm not doing it that way that's why I'm adding Isabela and no Isabela isn't going to become that super jealous girlfriend cuz I don't see her as one ok any ways see y'all later✌🏻️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻


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