Chapter 30

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•a month later•

*Madi's POV*

Jace has gone back to film season 4 so he's really busy so I don't see him much but I do text him a lot so that's ok.

Boyfriend❤️😍: hey babe I'm on my lunch break

Girlfriend💕💕: heyyyy

Boyfriend❤️😍: do you want to come to set tomorrow

Girlfriend💕💕: I have school

Boyfriend❤️😍: come after pleaseeeeeee

Girlfriend💕💕: ok

Boyfriend❤️😍: YAYYYYYYY!!!

Girlfriend💕💕: lol your weird but I gtg I'm im class! I loooove youuuu😘😘

Boyfriend❤️😍: I love you too!!!!!!😘😘😘😘

I lock my phone then someone sits next to me and guess who it is.

Yup, Nick

"Having fun with your boy toy"

"Yup very much thanks for asking"

I block him out the rest of class.

•after school•

I go to Abby's after school.

"So you want to hang out tomorrow after school and have a sleepover"

"Can't going to set to see Jace tomorrow"

"Awww goals"

"Ya ya"

"How about this weekend"

"I'll see"

"By you'll see do you mean you'll might be with Jace"

"Uh ya don't get mad"

"I'm not he's your boyfriend and you haven't seen him lately"

"But sense school is ending soon we can hang out more then"

"Only a couple more weeks"

"Can't wait"

We mess around with snapchat and stuff like that. Then my mom comes and gets me so I leave Abby's.

"So mom after school can I go to Jace's set to hang out with him"

"Sure honey"

She's been really missing my dad lately because their anniversary is coming up.

"Are you ok mom"

"Ya sweetie just missing your dad"

"It's ok mom"

"I know baby"

She pats my hand and drives to the house.

When we get home I see Jace walking out of his car.

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