Chapter 40

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It's the last chapter😭😭😭
A week later

*Madi's POV*

Today me and Jace are moving in together we are all pack and put everything into the moving truck to take to our apartment.

The apartment isn't to far from our old houses it's about 15 min. We put everything in the moving van and drive to the apartment.

We get the keys and open the door and bring everything in. Once everything is in me and Jace just sit in the couch.

"Moving is tiring"


"Can we take a nap"


I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep.

We wake up to a knock at the door Jace gets up to answer it.

"Hi.." He says to the older lady at our door

"Hello I'm Samantha and I live next door."

"Oh hi I'm Jace and that's my girlfriend Madi"

"I know who you are my son and daughter love you guys"

"Oh cool"

"Ya but if you need anything I'm next door"


He closes the door.


"A little but let's start unpacking"

We un pack the plates and stuff. Then get out bed setup. And put the boxes with out clothes in them in the closet and we make the bed and put all the pillows on the couch and bed then we plop on our bed.

"Want to get something to eat"

"Yes I'm starving"

We go to Wendy's and get food then go back to the apartment to eat.

"It's weird we have to do stuff by our selves now"

"Ya no parents just us"

"It's kinda fun tho cuz I can do this with out anyone interrupting us"

He kisses me and we make out for a little bit then you know what happens next.

•a couple weeks later•

Me and Jace have settled into the apartment we got everything moved in and everything is great.

Well not everything I've been sick for the past week and I don't get sick for this long and I've missed my period so will Jace is at work I'm going to take a test.

Yes a pregnancy test and I'm really nervous. Me and Jace are only 18 not really ready for a baby.

I'm pacing around the house waiting for Abby. She walks in the door and I run too her.

"Do you have the test"

"Yup I got a good one so good luck"

"Thanks wait here please"

"Of course"

I go into the bathroom and read the directions on the box. So basically I have to pee on a stick. Real classy. But I do it anyways.

After I'm done I wash my hands and walk out.


"Have to wait 5 min"

We sit on the couch and wait

"What will I do if I am will Jace leave me"

"Jace won't do that he might be in shock but I don't think he would leave you he's loves you a lot, a lot a lot"

The timer I set on my phone went off.

I take a deep breath

I look at the test and it says positive.

I look at Abby. With a scared expression.

"You're pregnant"

"I'm pregnant"
That's the end of this book😭😭😭😭😭 thank you for all the reads and votes and comments!!! The first chapter will be up next Monday!!! See you then!!!! I love you guys😘😘😘


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