Chapter 25

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•2 weeks later•

*Madi's POV*

I've been sick all week (no she's not pregnant it's just the flu calm down) so right now I'm sitting in bed watching netflixs. My mom comes into my room and brings me soup and water.


"No problem baby"

She kisses my head a leaves. I eat the soup slowly then I fall asleep.

I walk up to Jace stroking my hair.

"Hey little one. How ya feeling"

"Like complete shit"

"You poor thing"

I put my head on his chest and cuddle into him.

"You know you are still cute even though you're sick"

"No I'm not"

"Yes your are, your are always beautiful"

"Just shut up and be my pillow"

He laughs and arms his arm around me. He rubs my back and watch girly movies with me.

"I want to get up"


"But I'm to achy to walk"

He picks me up and carries me down stairs.

"What are you doing out of bed honey"

"I just wanted to get up for a little bit"

Jace sets me down on a bar stool in the kitchen.

"Do you want chicken or soup for dinner"


"Jace are you staying for dinner"

"No I just came by to check on her"

"I wish your father did that when we were dating"

I laugh then start coughing. Jace pats my back.

We talk with my mom for a little then I wanted to go back to my room.

Jace puts me back in my bed and kisses my forehead.

"I have to go"

"Ok" I pout

"I love you"

"I love you too"

He kisses my forehead again then leaves. I take out my phone and scroll through Instagram.

I get board of that and go onto YouTube.

I get bored of that and go on snapchat.

I get bored of everything do I text Abby


Abby💯💕: me2 girl

Madi💯💕: i just want to get better

Abby💯💕: OMG are you pregnant

Madi💯💕: that's not even funny. But I'm not

Abby💯💕: ok good well I gtg moms making me see my grandma

I lock me phone and just look up the ceiling after thinking for a while I text Jace

Girlfriend💕💕: why did you have to leave.

Boyfriend😍❤️: mom said I can only be there for a bit cuz she doesn't want me getting sick

Girlfriend💕💕: you should just start coughing during dinner and see what's he says

Boyfriend😍❤️: tbh she'd flip cuz I'm her baby and nothing can happen to me😒😒

Girlfriend💕💕: you poor baby people care about you

Boyfriend😍❤️: shut up but I might do that just to piss her off. Like I'm almost 17 she can't treat me like a baby forever

Girlfriend💕💕: she's your mom she can if she wants

Boyfriend😍❤️: whatever but I got to eat dinner. I love youuuuuu feel better!!😘

Girlfriend💕💕: i love you too😘

I watch more netflixs then I just get tired so I go to bed

Lizzy xx

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