Chapter 8 (the date)

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*Madi's POV*

So today I have my date with Nick. I think we are going to see either Finding Dory or whatever scary movie is out in hoping Finding Dory because I hate scary movies

Well Abby comes over and helps me get ready. She lets me pick out my outfit and she can do my makeup and hair we made a deal last night.

I pick out a white and red floral skirt and a white sweater and for shoes white converse because I hate heels and flats. After I'm done getting dressed Abby Does my makeup.

All she does for make up is put on some light pick eyeshadow and some mascara. Then for hair she curls it. (Everything above)

I look at myself in my mirror

"Wow you look super cute nick is going to die"

I smile then I hear the doorbell right and I rush down to get it but my brother beat me to it

"Hi is Madi there" Nick ask

"Yes" and I pop up behind my brother and push him out of the way

"Wow you look amazing" Nick says

"Thanks so do you"

I give home a hug and before we get into his care Matt yells

"Dont try anything Nick or I will beat the Shit out of you"

"Don't worry I won't"

He opens the door for me I get in them he gets in on the driver side and we drive to the movies.

On the way we ask each other questions about each other

I found out his favorite color is Blue he had two little sisters and his dad sadly passed away of cancer we he was ten.

When we get to the movies he holds the door open for me and pays for my ticket and we are going to see a scary movie.

We buy some popcorn and soda and I try to pay but he gets to it before I do

"Why won't you let me pay"

"Because that's what we men do pay for the pretty lady"

I blush and we get out sets.

As the movie starts I'm already scared he puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder when a scary part came I put my face in his shoulder and he lifts my chin up with his finger moves his hand to my cheek and kisses me right on the lips i kiss back.

When we pull away I smile and he whispers in my ear

"Want to me my girlfriend?"

I nodded my head Yes and we go back to the movie

I can't stop smiling cuz I had my first kiss and first boyfriend.

•After the Movie•

We walk out of the movies holding hands and go to his car

While he is driving we are holding hands.

He drops me off at my house gives me a hug and kiss goodbye and I walk into my house.

As I walk in and close the front door Matt pops out of nowhere.

"So I'm guessing he's your boyfriend"

"Jesus, don't do that and yes"

"I've some bad things about him at school I don't trust him"

"Well I done its my life I will date who I want"

"Well I'm not going to say when he brakes your heart don't come crying to me because you can but I will beat the living shit out of him if he hurts you or try's anything"


I walk into my room and scroll thought Instagram cuz I haven't been on it all day.

I see Isabel's is in Arizona for Transformers 5. I'm so happy she got a part in a big movie like that

I take a shower and take off all my makeup put some pj's on and throw me hair in a messy bun. I sit on my bed and do some homework

At like 6 my mom comes up with some Pizza Roles for me. She sets them on my table by my bed and sits on my bed and puts her arm around me. I stop doing my homework and lean against her.

"So Matt tells me you got a boyfriend"

"Ya I did his name is Nick"

"Be safe and if he hurts you your Dad and Matt will beat him"

I smile and laugh

"Don't worry I know"

She kisses my head and leaves

I eat my pizza roles and after I'm done with my Homework I brush my Teeth and I get a text from Nick


Nick😍💕: hey cutie

Madi💕: hey yourself

Nick😍💕: I'm picking you up at 7 to take you to school

Madi💕: alright well I'm going to bed goodnight

Nick😍💕: goodnight beautiful

•end of texts•

I smiled and shut my phone off and get under my covers and fall a sleep thinking about Nick

*Nick's POV* (this is a one time thing$

What Madi doesn't know is I'm using her just to make my ex jealous. She's pretty and all but she's not my type.
OMG Madi and Nick are dating but Nick is only using her to get his ex back WTF. And btw the only reason I put (The Date) in the title of this chapter is because it rhymed a little lol

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