Chapter 35

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December 27th aka their 1 year

*Madi's POV*

Today me and Jace have been dating for a year. We are just going to hang out all day and be lazy.

He slept over the night before so I wake up in his tight grip. I try to get out of it but he just tightens it.

"Baby wake up"

He grumbles

"Come one"

"I eppy"

I role over so I can face him and give him a kiss. I know he's awake now so I pull away and look at him

"Happy one year Baby"

"You too Baby girl"

I get out if bed to get ready but Jace stops me.

"Can't we just be lazy today and stay in our pjs"

"Yes but I still want to wash my face and stuff"


He flops back in the bed and I go to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth then go back into my room to see Jace asleep so I jump on him.

"Wake up"

"Only if you kiss Me"


I kiss his cheek

"I kissed you now get up"

"I can't when you're on top of me"

I get off him and he sits up and get out of bed. We go downstairs

"I want Dunkin Donuts"

"Me too"

Jace gets his keys and we go into his car. At Dunkin Donuts I get a hot chocolate and a muffin and Jace gets the same. We get back home and go up to my room and eat.

After we are done eating I lay on Jace and he pulls up Netflixs in his laptop. He kisses my head.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

I look up at him and he leans down and gives me a kisses. He gets on top of me and I wrap my legs around him.

He grinds in to me. He starts to kiss my neck. My fingers go through his hair as he starts to suck on my sweetspot.

He pulls away and just looks at me. He pushes hair out of my face and it's one of the most loving looks he even gave me.

He gets off me and I curl into his side. I go onto Instagram to post something. I found the picture that Abby took of us in school holding hands and I post that. (Pic⬇️)

I caption it:

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I caption it:

Got to spend one year with him and I hope to spend Infinity more! I love you so fricking much❤️❤️💕💕💕

Comments and likes start rolling in but i don't look at them all I care about is my guy right now.

He kisses my head and pulls me in closer.

"Let's take a nap"


I close my eyes a few fall asleep

*Madi's Mom's POV*

I go in to check in Madi and Jace and see them asleep together. I pull out my phone and take a picture.

I really hope they spend infinity together.

*Madi's POV*

I wake up a couple hours later and Jace is still asleep. I start poking his face

"Madi stop"

I stop poking his face so I just put my face in his chest.

"I'm bored"

"That's nice"

"You're mean"

I roll away from him and pretend to cry. He hugs me and kisses all over my face.

"I loooooove youuuu"

"Ya ya"

"I'm hungry"

"That's nice"

He picks me up and carries me downstairs.

"Put me down"

He sets me down in the floor and walks into the kitchen. He opens the frigid and looks inside it. I hug him and put my head on his back.

He grabs pizza rolls and puts them on a pan and puts them into the over.

He grabs me and gives me a hug. I like theses moments where we just hug each other waiting for pizza rolls.

"I feel like I'm saying this a lot today but I love you"

"I love you too"

I lean up and kiss him. Then the over dings telling us the pizza rolls are done. He pulls away and gets oven mitts and pulls them out of the oven.

"Aw they all died" I say


"They all exploded, I say they died"

"You're so weird"

"Ya but you match my weird"


He puts them on a plate and we go back upstairs and turn on the Tv.

"Oh let's watch Henry Danger"

"Let's not"

"We are cuz I have the remote"

He takes the remote from me and puts on teen nick. He puts his arm around me and feeds me a pizza roll.

Basically the rest if the day we do just that. Lay around and watch tv. I love theses moments and him.
I wrote half of this when I was half asleep so sorry if it's bad and it's ending soon in like 5 chapters😭😭😭😭


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