Chapter 14

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•a couple months later•

*Madi's POV*

Well I found out that Nick only used me to get his ex back. And now it's almost Christmas and I miss the snow in New York.

Jace doesn't know that I know that he likes me and that I like him back and him and Isabela are no longer together and I told Isabela that I like him and she said its fine if we go out.

Today is the last day of school before Christmas break.

I leave my hair in its natural waves which I have been doing a lot sense me and Nick broke up and I only put on foundation, powder and mascara for makeup. For clothes I throw on some jeans with holes in the knees a white shirt and a jacket with my white converse then I'm out the door. (Outfit ⬇️)

After school Jace is picking me up and we are hanging out at his place and I can't wait

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After school Jace is picking me up and we are hanging out at his place and I can't wait.

•after school•

I walk out the school doors and look for Jace's car and I find it so I run over there and hop in

"Hey" I say

"Hey how was school"


"I understand"

He pulls out of the parking lot and we head to his house.

During the car ride we sing along to songs and laugh.

When we get to his house no one is home we go up to his room and he pulls out his phone to Periscope.

"Hey guys"

I look onto his phone and there's already over 100 people

"Jeez that's a lot of people"

Then after I say that Jace turns his phone on me

"Madi's here"

I cover my face and hit his phone

Then a bunch of people are say 'Hi Madi'

"Madi say hi to your people"

I laugh

"Hola amigos"

"Are you and Madi dating" Jace reads


That kind of makes my heat break but we aren't so.

We periscope for about an hour.

"So guys we have to go"

"BYE" I yell in Jaces ear

"Jeez that was in my ear"

"I know" I smile

He ends it and gives me a weird smirk that makes my heart flutter.

"What" I say

He comes closer to me than he is on top of me tickling me

I laugh really hard and Jace is too

"Jace stop!"

But he continues on

He tickles me for a good 10 min then we lock eyes and we both lean in.

When our lips meet I feel sparks. I wrap my arms around his neck as our lips move in sink. He sits up with me on his lap and his hands are near my butt but I don't mind I run my fingers through his hair

We kiss more like make out for a good 15 minutes then Jace's mom knocks on his door.

We pull away and I get off his lap. We lay next to each other on our phones

"Come in" Jace says

"I'm just checking on you two"


"Because I can"

She walks out and closes the door.

I look over at him.

"So, what was that" I ask

"The best kiss I have ever had"

I laugh.

"Wanna do it again" he ask

So I just get on top of him and kiss him.

•a couple hours later•

I've Been home for about an hour. And all I can think about is that kiss. It was a really good kiss.

My thoughts were interrupted with a Text from Abby

Abby💕💯: soooooooo how was Jace's

Madi💕💯: good

Abby💕💯: what happened

She knows me too well

Madi💕💯: we may have kiss.... Or made out

Abby💕💯: HOLY SHIT!!!! DEETS!!!!

Madi💕💯: well we did a periscope then I yelled into his ear do he started tickling me then we just kissed and it was GOOOOOD

Abby💕💯: I ship it #mace or #jadi

Madi💕💯: 😂😂😂 his fans say #mace

Abby💕💯: well I got hw to do

Madi💕💯: Mrs. Johnson

Abby💕💯: yup ttyl!

Well Abby now knows and I'm not going to hear the end of it. And I'm going on a plane back to NY for Christmas tomorrow so I better get some sleep
They kissed!!!!!!!!! I kinda sounds like a really cheesy romance movie I was going to go farther than just a kiss but it was too soon. And I know how I want to end it its just leading up to the ending I need to figure out

Lizzy xx

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