Chapter 6

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Above is what I picture Nick Abby and Haley to look like. Ok on with the story
*Madi's POV*

Me and Nick have been talking a lot and same with me and Abby I think I have made two amazing friends. It's the weekend so I'm sitting on my bed texting Abby


Abby💕💯: heyyyy do you want to hangout??

Madi💕💯: sure! Let me ask my mom!

Abby💕💯: okay

I walk down stairs to ask my mom

"Hey can I hang out with my friend Abby"

"Sure honey"

"Ok thank you"

I run back upstairs

Madi💕💯: she said yes!!

Abby💕💯: YAY! Come over at 5 then sleepover!

Madi💕💯: Kk! See ya later

Abby💕💯: see ya

I look at the time and it's noon she I have time. I pack my clothes and makeup then I get a text from Jace

Jace👌🏻: hey

Madi🌸: hey

Jace👌🏻: what's up

Madi🌸: getting ready to go to a friends house

Jace👌🏻: wait you have friends

Madi🌸: very funny

Jace👌🏻: so I got a dm from an account saying that you have/had a fan account for me. Is that true?

Jace👌🏻: like it's fine if you do I honestly don't care.

I wait a while before I answer cuz I don't know what to say should I tell him I don't want to think of me as some crazy fangirl that lives next door to him.

Madi🌸: what was the account username?

Jace👌🏻: like @nobodyimportant or something along lose lines

Madi🌸: gtg ttyl!

I go on Instagram and check my dms and I get a dm from @nobodyimportant again and all it has is a picture of he/she's text to Jace.

After a while of staring at my ceiling I get a FaceTime call from Nick. I answer it.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say

I'm laying in my bed so I sounds all mumbly

He laughs. His laugh is really cute

"So I was a wonderin if you wanted to go to the movies tomorrow"


I smile

"Cool I'll text you tomorrow"


We hang up and I think I have my first date.

•couple hours later•

I'm at Abby's and I told her what happened with Nick and she screamed. And her mom came down to ask if everything was ok and it was so we told her yes

"I'm helping you get ready"

"Ok but it's only a movie so nothing to big"

She sighs "alright fine"

The rest of the night we talk laughed and watched netflixs.

I found out me and Abby have a lot in common we have like the same style and music taste I think I have made a best friends.

It was around 2:30am when I get another text from Jace.

Jace👌🏻: hey you didn't answer what I asked you earlier...

Madi🌸: oh yeah

Jace👌🏻: like I said I don't care if you do. I'm not going to hate you and change my phone number, I trust you

Madi🌸: ok you promise you won't

Jace👌🏻: cross my heart

Madi🌸: ok yes I do have a fan page for you

Jace👌🏻: see it's fine. Does anyone else know

Madi🌸: Isabela

Jace👌🏻: really

Madi🌸: ya I told her when you took me and Lily to set and she also kinda guessed

Jace👌🏻: oh ok well I'm going to bed night

Madi🌸: night

I shut my phone off.

Wow now Jace knows and doesn't think that I'm a crazy fangirl. I feel better now that if off my chest a lot better

I look over to Abby and see her passed out so I decided to go to bed to and all I dreamt about was my date with Nick!

OMG Jace knows. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AND MADI AND NICK ARE GOING ON A DATE OMFG!!!! I think next chapter is going to be in Jace's POV. Ok bye

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