Chapter 15

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*Madi's POV*

I have today to go on a plane. I go and take a shower then after I throw my hair up in a messy bun. I don't put on any makeup and put on some black sweatpants a white top and a gray sweater thing and some uggs (outfit minus the shoes ⬇️)

 I don't put on any makeup and put on some black sweatpants a white top and a gray sweater thing and some uggs (outfit minus the shoes ⬇️)

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I packed my stuff last night so I grab my suitcase and carry on and go down stairs.

In my carry on I put my laptop, a phone charger, headphones, and other stuff.

I see Lily almost asleep on the couch so I pick her up so she wakes up a little then just lays her head on my shoulder.

Matt takes mine and Lily's suitcases to the car the my dad takes Lily from me and starts bounces her in his arms to wake her yup.

Once everything is packed we get in the car and drive to the airport.

•after security and all that•

Security was fast and now we are waiting to board the plane.

While we were waiting I was texting Jace

Jace😏: I miss you already

Madi☺️: I'll be back 2 days after Christmas

Jace😏: that's like 5 days away!!!! How will I live!!

Madi☺️: I think you'll manage

Jace😏: we need to talk about what happened yesterday

Madi☺️: and we will when I get back

Madi☺️: gtg boarding

I lock my phone and give the lady my ticket and walk through the tunnels thingy.

I'm sitting in the middle in between Matt and Lily. Matt had the window seat and Lily has the Aisle so see can easily get to mom and dad who are in the row over.

During the flight I mostly slept or played games on my phone.

I was soo happy when we landed. I hate flying because of turbulence.

We get of the plane I'm holding Lily's hand so she doesn't go running of somewhere and get lost.

We go get out bags then my grandma comes and gets us.

The car ride to her house were we are staying is about 15 minutes so during that time I'm texting Abby

Abby💯💕: how was the flight

Madi💯💕: idk I slept.

Abby💯💕: you and your sleep

Madi💯💕: you like your sleep as much as I do.

Abby💯💕: true true. Well I gtg to my aunts ttyl

By then we have reached my grandmas house me, Matt and Lily all share a room and my parents have their own.

I go into my room and plop on my bed then Lily jumps on top of me and Matt jumps right next to me.

"So what's going on between you and Jace" Matt Ask

"I don't know why"

"When you came back from Jace's yesterday you were all smiley"

"Well... Um. We may have kiss a lot a bit"

"Ok I like him"

"Me too" Lily says

We all start laughing

•a couple hours later•

We get called for dinner and its pizza!!! My favorite.

I get two slices for me and sit at the table.

After I'm done eating I go and take a shower.

I get in dressed and hop in. It's really hot so I turn it down. I wash my face and hair and body then hop out and dry off and put my pjs on.

I go to my room and brush my hair and put it in two French braids. After I'm done I ask my brother to take a picture of me. I cover my face and look down and little I hear him take the pic and see cuz he had the flash on.

I posted it on Instagram (pic⬇️)

I posted it on Instagram (pic⬇️)

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I caption it

Braids for daysssss

After I posted it I got in the covers and went to bed
This chapter was kinda boring the next one might be too but once she gets back to Cali they will be more interesting.

Lizzy xx

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