Chapter 20

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*Madi's POV*

Today is New Year's Eve and I'm hanging out with Jace all day and then sleeping over and out parents trust us and they don't know we've done it the still gave us 'The Talk' is was very weird and Jace also got the talk.

I'm getting ready for Jace I do simple makeup and leave my hair natural how Jace likes it and I put on a dark gray sweater some jeans my gray uggs that I got for Christmas and a scarf (pic⬇️)

I'm getting ready for Jace I do simple makeup and leave my hair natural how Jace likes it and I put on a dark gray sweater some jeans my gray uggs that I got for Christmas and a scarf (pic⬇️)

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After I'm done getting ready I grab my phone and my bag of stuff to sleepover and go to Jace's. Ever since we started dating I just walk in and no one really cares. Jace comes down stairs as so as I walk through the door and runs and hugs me like we haven't seen each other I days when I only saw him yesterday. He lifts me up and carries me to his room.

He lays us down on his bed and he starts kissing me all over my face and neck.

I laugh "Jace stop"

I try to push him away.

"I missed you"


He stops and looks at me


"Get off me"


And lays on top of me so I take out my phone and take a picture on snapchat. His fans don't know we are together but we've been dropping hints here and there. I caption the picture

He won't get off

Then I posted it to my story (pic⬇️)

Then I posted it to my story (pic⬇️)

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(Pretend the tattoo isn't there)

After I post it I use all my strength and flips us over so I'm on top.

"Ha ha" I say

I'm straddling his waist and his hands are on my hips.

"Ya ya you win"

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