Chapter 21

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*Madi's POV*

I wake up in Jace's arms. I can feel him breathing on my neck and it tickles a little.

I roll over so I can face him. I poke at his face to wake him up.

"Stop it"

He rolls away from me I get up and lay on top of him.

"Jacey face wake up"

He groans. I start kissing him all over his face.

And wraps his arms around me and flips us over so he's on top. He starts kissing my neck.

"Jace its to early for that, later"


He gets off of me. We both get up then I feel my feet leave the ground. I wrap my arms around Jace's neck as he carries me down the stairs.

His mom is making breakfast at the stove when we get downstairs

"Put me down"


He walks over to the couch and plops me on it.

"I didn't mean like that"

"I know what you meant I just didn't feel like doing it that way"

He sits down next to me I put my legs over his and he wraps his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and he turns on the TV.

We watch tv for a bit then his mom calls us for breakfast.

We eat out breakfast the go back so his room to get dressed.

I do my makeup and just throw my hair up in a ponytail. I put on a floral pink top. Light washed jeans and a white sweater. (Pic⬇️)

After I'm done getting ready Jace comes up behind me in the bathroom and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder

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After I'm done getting ready Jace comes up behind me in the bathroom and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder.

"You know those pants make your butt look really good"

"And why are you looking at my butt"

I turn around and put my arms around his neck.

"Because I can"

He puts his on my butt and squeezes. He lifts me up and puts me on the counter.

He starts to kiss my neck. I run my fingers through his hair.

"Let's go for a walk" I say in his ear

I hop off of the counter and grab his hand.

"Come on"

I pull him.


We walk down stairs put our shoes on and before we get out the door Xander stops us.

"We're are you two going"

"On a walk" Jace's says

"Ok well I'm coming with and taking Henry"


Xander gets Henry and we go out the door.

Jace grabs my hand and intertwine our fingers.

Xander is walking behind us on his phone.

"We should just run from him" Jace whispers in my ear

I smirk and nod

"Ready, set, go"

And we start running down the street.

"Where the hell are you guys going"

We hear Xander yell but we just keep on running.

When we get the the end of the street we stop to catch put breath.

"That was fun"


"Let's out to the park"

I hop on his back so he can carry me.

He grabs my thighs and boost me up and I wrap my arms around him and put my child on his head.

I pull out my phone to take a picture. I smile and take the picture.

"Your hair smells nice"

"Why are you smelling my hair"

"Because I can"

"Your an idiot"

"Look in the mirror"

He let goes of my legs and I wrap them around them.

"I swear your like a koala"

"I am a koala"

I get down from him. And just hold his hand.

When we get to the park no one is there so we just sit on the swings.

Jace pushes me and every time i went back we kissed.

"Shit it's Xander"

I look over where he is looking at and see Xander walking Henry.

"Let's run"

I get off the swing and run I look behind me and see Xander chasing us. Then I trip over something.

"Oh my god are you ok" Jace ask

"I think"

He helps me up. I put pressure on my right ankle and pain just goes through it


"Are you ok"

"No my ankle"

Jace moves in front of me and squats down

"Hop on"

I jump on to his back and he turns around to were Xander is coming from.

"Why where you running from me"

"Don't really know but we are heading home Madi hurt her ankle"

"Ok I'll be home in a bit"

Jace continues down the street.

We get to the house and walk up to his room. He places me on the bed and takes my shoes and socks off. He looks at my ankles

"Ya your right one is definitely swollen"

"So, Is it like a sprain or something"

"I don't know I'm not a doctor but I think you just rolled it"


He leans down and kisses me the hops into bed besides me.

I cuddle into him and start to fall asleep. But before I'm fully asleep I hear

"I love you"

Jace loves me?
I like this chapter it's really cute and Jace said he loves Madi but thought she was asleep

Lizzy xx

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