Chapter 17

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*Madi's POV*

I'm playing with Lily and her new Barbie dolls she got for Christmas.

"Madi this one is you and this one is Jace" she holds up to dolls


"And you too love each other"


"Do you love Jace"

"As a friend yes"

"No more than a friend"

"I don't know"

"Well you should"

"Why should I"

"Because you look at each other like mommy and daddy look at each other"

I smile "I'll think about it"

And we continued playing with Barbies.

•later in the day•

I'm laying in bed on my phone then Matt walks in and sits down next to me

"I heard what you and Lily were talking about"

"One She's six she doesn't really know what's she's talking about and two do spy in your sisters"

"You know we should listen to her more often"


"Sometimes she does know what she's talking about"

"Ok like what"

"Like when you and Jace look at each other you look at each other a certain way like mom and dad"

"Ok I love you both of you but it's my life and I may have feelings for Jace or may not and that's for me to know and you to never find out"

"Alright well dinners in an hour"

And he leaves the room.

I do have feelings for Jace but they really don't need to know not yet anyways.
Just a really quick chapter that I thought should be added in idk but ya. And something big happens in the next chapter well kinda 2 big things

Lizzy xx

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