Chapter 27

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*Madi's POV*

It's been 3 days and my dad still hasn't woken up I missed 2 days of school and I'm missing a 3rd today.

I still stay at Jace's because he will never leave my side he comes to the hospital everyday with me.

Yesterday we found out my dad is getting worse. And I saw my mom cry and it hurts to see your parents cry.

Me and Jace are on our way to the hospital now. I keep a hold on Jace's hand.

We go to my dads room and I see my mom holding my dad's hand just looking at him.

"Hey mom"

"Hi sweetie"

"How is he"

"Not any better the doctor said by the end of the month they are taking him off life support"

Jace squeezes my hand.

I sit in the other side of the bed and hold my dads hand Jace stands behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

"Daddy please wake up" I say

I stay like that till the doctor comes in with Matt and Lily following.

I take one of Jace's hands and grab it.

"I have so news"

I take a deep breath

"We don't think he will survive, but there is still a chance we've done all we could it's up to him now but we just don't think he will"

"Thank you" mom says

He leaves and I stand up and hug Jace.

Then I hear my mom whisper to my dad

"It's ok to go"

And just like that his heart monitor starts to slow down. And I just look at my dad then

He flat lines.

About a minute later doctors come in we all go out in the hallway then a doctor comes out

"I'm sorry for your loss"

We go back in and say our goodbyes. Then walk out of the hospital. I'm staying at Jace's again and once we get home it hits me

My dad's s gone and isn't coming back.

I wrap my arms around Jace's neck he picks me up and carries me into his room. He lays me down on the bed and just holds me while I cry.

I pull away and wipe my eyes.

"Are you going to be ok" he ask

"I don't know"

"You know just because he isn't here physically doesn't mean he isn't still in your heart"

I smile and hug him again.

As long as I have Jace I'll be ok.

And I still have my mom and brother and sister I'll be ok.

R.I.P Madi's dad!

Lizzy xx

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