Long Drives

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"2 weeks" My doctor, Jerry says.

"Until?" Carl asks.

"She'll be strong enough to walk around normally, it will hurt a bit at the beginning, but as you progress so will your spine" Jerry informs us.

"And for the dancing part?" I ask him, hoping for the best.

"As I said, as you progress so will your spine but the chance of you being able to dance like you used without putting yourself in danger is on a very thin line"

Calum looks at me and gives me a look that says, 'Don't try it yet'. I look back to Jerry, "Thankyou so much"

"You're welcome Andie, I'll see you in 2 weeks!"

"Hopefully walking!" Calum cheers.

We all walk out of the physiotherapy practise, well they walk and I wheel. 2 weeks. 2 weeks until I can see how far I can push myself into dancing without breaking my spine completely. 2 weeks until I can do what I love again. Calum grabs onto the arms rests of my wheelchair and leans over.

"Please don't do anything crazy" He whispers.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious Andie" Calum stares into my eyes.

"Don't worry Cal, I'll be fine" I reply, "Stop worrying" I sing before wheeling off to Carl.

I will be fine. If something does go wrong, I'll take full responsibility.


Calum, Dad, Carl, Max, Tori, Tyler, Xavier and I wait in the waiting room of Jerry's office. Silent and nerve wracking. Calum grips onto my hand and rests his hand in the crook of my neck. Tyler is peacefully sleeping in Tori's arms as Max was talking to Xavier and my Dad is talking to the receptionist. The door opens and Jerry comes out.

"Andie" He calls out before walking back into his office.

Calum and I take a deep breathe before he wheels me into the room, everyone else trailing behind. Dad and Max take a seat next to me, Calum holding onto the handles of my wheelchair, Tori and Tyler standing behind Dad and Max and Xavier leaning on Max's chair.

"How are you Andie?" Jerry asks.

"Uhmm nervous, EXTREMELY nervous"

"Well you shouldn't be so nervous anymore" Jerry stands up and takes the X-Rays of my back with him.

Jerry holds them up to a white light and points to where my spine was fractured, "As you can see here, and here" Jerry points to a scan of when my spine was freshly fractured and to what my spine was last week, "You're spine has recovered a whole lot! It's as if the fracture never happened"

A large grin grows on my face, "So I'm fine?"

"Yes, yes, but that still doesn't mean that your spine isn't fragile, since your spine was fractured you have to take extra care of it, as it is five times as fragile as it was before"

"This means?"

"No more climbing trees, competitive games of swimming or basketball or any sport really and definitely no breakdancing of any sort" Jerry says.

I look back to Xavier and he nods his head in the direction of Jerry telling me to listen to him.

"None at all?"

"None Andie, well that's if your spine grows back to its original strength"

"And the chances of that happening?"

How To Save A Life (It's just you and me 5SOS fanfic SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now