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"CALLLLUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM!" I call, running up the stairs of his house and into his bedroom.

It is the day after Nick and I broke up, and there were a few tears here and there but I don't really feel anything. Nick was just an obstacle in life that I needed to go through, so I could realise what I have is good. Calum promised that we would go to the park for the day and play soccer with the others. It's around 12 o'clock and I suspect that Calum isn't awake, considering that he wasn't downstairs eating everything in his fridge or at my place doing the same thing. I run into his room and jump on top of him.

"Goodmorning sunshine!" I shout in his face.

Calum just pulls the cover over his head and groans.

"C'mon get upppp!" I shake the bed, "I'll buy you a milkshake after the game?" I bribe him.

"Goodmorning!" He replies with his husky, deep voice.

"Puberty" I say, which he laughs at.

"TEDDY BEAR!" Calum yells before wrapping his arms, around me and cutting off my blood circulation.

"CALUM!" I yelp, laughing.

"CUDDDDLLLEEEESSS!" Mali announces her entrance in the room and joins us.

Calum wraps his arms around the both of us, holding us in his tight grip.

"Okay Calum, I'm dying!" Mali barely says, as she escapes from the bundle, "Glad to have you back Dee" Mali exits the room.

"Glad to have you back Dee" Calum says, kissing the top of my head and then messing up my hair.

"Not like my hair didn't look like a bird's nest already"

"Well I ain't no bird but I'm ready for nestin'" Calum winks and laughs in a joking matter.

"How do you even come up with these things?" I question, laughing at him.

"Pure talent" He swishes his invisble long hair over his shoulder.

"You freak" I joke, "Come on! Put on a shirt and let's go!"

"Did you bring your pills?" Calum asks me seriously.

Luke's Dad has me back on these pills that prevent me from fainting, when my blood sugar is low or when I'm in a situation that I can't handle. He doesn't know exactly what's going on with me but I have an appointment at the hospital with him tomorrow.

"Yes dad I did" I nudge him, I pick up both of his hands and attempt to lift him off the bed with every ounce of strength I have in my body.

As I'm about to lift Calum up he falls back down and I land straight on top of him, my face hovering over his.

"Superhuman strength I'm guessing?" Calum teases.

"Shut up" I chuckle as he joins in.

My gaze falls onto Calum's eyes. Silence. Calum and I look into eachother's eyes, his wondering from my lips and back up to my eyes.

"Hey guys! Wha-" Mali walks through the doorway, "Wrong timing! I'm so sorry!"

Calum's hands poke the sides of my stomach causing me to jump, "Calum!"

"You've been saying my name a lot today"

"Hey Mali! What's up?" I get up off of her brother's body and sit down on his bed.

"Uh- I was just wondering if you uhm knew where X was today?"

"Uhh I think he's at the studio today"

How To Save A Life (It's just you and me 5SOS fanfic SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now