The road leads somewhere.

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Lol I can't come up with titles.. I was just reading amazingphilxreader stuff so uh ye. LETS GET THIS SHOW ON DA RODEEE oh and yes the creepy girlfriend stAre😈

--time skip 2 days--

We have been staying at the hotel for a couple days now, in the mornings we'd search for Abby, or any survivors for that matter, and at nights, take shifts of watch. It's been getting a little annoying with her, all her snarky comments, and her funny jokes. Plus, she was a girl and I was stuck in a room surrounded by boys. No matter how much I love them, boys will be boys.
Suddenly I hear I knock on the door and panic. Both boys were in the room, so who could it be? I get up timidly and look out the window. I can't believe it! I throw open the door and wrap my arms around her neck. "Abby!" I smile, "by the way don't leave the lights on at night... Loser." She says. "Dork." I reply.  We walks in and is greeted by the sighs of relief as the boys see her. "Glad to see you made it!" Alex's southern drawl becoming prominent. Abby smirks. "God I'm so glad I found you.. I thought we wouldn't ever get back together again." Abby flops down on Ori's bed while we start talking about where we want to go next.
It takes us a while but we finally decide to travel north and hope for the best.
In the morning we pack up our stuff, and climb in the truck. "One problem..  We don't have gas." Alex says. We let out a sigh. "Ok then how bout me and you go get some?" I say looking towards Alex. "Yeah yeah.. Let's go babe." He says hopping out of the truck. Babe. That's the first time he ever called me that.
"So does that mean we're together?" I ask as we walk down the road holding hands. "Only if you wanna be." He says. I kiss his cheek signaling yes.

We get a couple cans of gas (like those big red carton things?) and head back to the hotel. Hmm, it seems kind of empty, I think the walkers are still herded around the farm.
"Ok let's get this thing on the road!" I yell and Alex starts the car.  We all cheer and then start our lovely journey towards somewhere.

Yay new chapter! Sorry, I've been so busy and crap but now... ITS HERE. I need to go work on my costume now.. And I just saw a hurt raccoon😟

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