The weekend doesnt like me

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I wake up the next morning and head downstairs. I see the men sitting by the woman and her son playing with Orion. Sam, Willa and wade are visible sitting on the porch.  "Good morning Mrs. Daniels!" One man says. "How do you..-" I start. "Alex told us. By the way in Preston and this is my boyfriend Rob." He smiles. I smile back and walk towards them. "So how is she?" I ask. "Nothing happened last night." Preston reassures. "Good." And just on cue she opens her eyes. I rush to her side and help her sit up. "Hi. Welcome back to earth!" I say sarcastically. She nods. I go get her some water and some soup we found.  As she eats I ask her a few questions. "What's your name?" I gulps down another spoonful before answering. "Jamie. And that's my son Dan." I awkwardly sit down in the couch because of my big belly. "Where are you guys from?" Preston answers this one. "We came here from Texas, we started a road trip." He smiles. My eyes brighten. "Us too!" We laugh and then Alex bring the worn out stack of cards to us.

Sam and wade come in to grab some food. "Hey you guys I think we should make a supply run!" Sam yells. "I'll go!" Jordan and Abby tell back. Just like that Abby, Jordan, Sam, and wade leave us.


As we walk down the highway I start swinging me and Jordan's intertwined hands. "At least there's no traffic today?" I smirk. Jordan rolls his eyes. "Yeah.." He say and looks down at the ground. "What's wrong Sparklez?" I ask. "N-nothing. Nothing's wrong!" He rubs his thumb into my hand.  "Oh come on JARDON! Tell me!" I smile skipping a little.  "We can talk about it later abs." He says.

We get to the super mart nearish by and split up, me and Jordan, Sam and wade. I scavenge the isles and something catches my eye.  A teddy bear! Surely Jordan would like it! I grab it and stuff it into my bag of crap. I find some baby stuff for Ophelia and a couple boxes of protein bars. Jordan comes up behind me and wrap his arms around my shoulders. "Hallo!" I smile and turn around to give him a peck on the lips. We start walking towards the pharmacy part when I hear a couple moans. Wait moans? We look over the counter to see Sam and Wade having smex doggy style on the floor. I stifle a laugh and walk away. When we get out of earshot I burst out crying. "Oh my god that was hilarious!" I yell. Jordan can have a visible blush on his cheeks. "J-Jordan?" He looks over at me. "Uh- uh I yeah... Hilarious.." He smiles weakly.  "Jordan your acting strange what's going on?" I ask moving closer. Well.. Now it's visible. A boner. "I'll tell you later. Let's just get some more food shit." He purses his lips. We end up getting a couple more cans of food and then meet up with Sam and Wade to go home.

My friend got me addicted to a game called slide the shakes.

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