Jordan Maron

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--Jordan's POV--

The one interview that caught my eye was Abby's. She's kinda cute actually, and she seems real nice. I think she recognized me.. I was a famous YouTube before all this.

After all the interviews, I go back to my house. I really don't have much there, I don't know how to cook, and I don't do much except try and make my computer work. I'm getting so bored without video games, I may go insane. I hear a knock on my door. I open it to see Abby. "Sorry uh- Alex and Ophelia are kinda doing it, and I'm sick of hearing it.. So uh I was wondering if I could just stay here for a little." She scratches the back of her neck. "Yeah uh sure.." I chuckle. "Oh is that a computer?! Does it run?" Abby runs over to my computer set up. "Nah, I've been trying to get the damn thing to work forever.." I say. "I know a lot about computers, I think I can get this thing running." She says and kneels down by it. In a matter of minutes she turns the computer on. "It was just a matter of rerouting some of the cables." She chuckles. "Wow thanks!" I smile and sit in the chair. "Would you care to play some portal with me?" I smirk. "Gladly Mr.Maron.." She smirks. "Or should I say captainspooklez?" I groan. "Oh god you found me out."

It was about midnight when she left, we played portal for over 7 hours, not even beating the game. I head up to bed around 1:00, just staring at the ceiling. I never can get to sleep, I just think that it's too dangerous. I toss and turn for a while before just going downstairs. I rummage through my pantry and grab a bag of chips, before laying on the couch to try and get some rest.

--Abby's POV--

I open the door to our new house and find Orion sitting on the couch. "Hey Abby." I smile and plop down next to him. "Couldn't sleep?" I ask. "Nah. The beds empty upstairs if you wanna sleep." He mutters. I gladly take his offer and run upstairs. Such a soft bed... I fall asleep almost immediately,

The sun shines in my eyes when I open them. I must have slept for a couple hours. I hear a knock ok the door. "Hey your awake! We're having breakfast downstairs, come and join us!" Orion says from the door. "Thanks." Is all I say. We walk downstairs and I see food on the table, like actual food! "We have fruits and some scrambled eggs." Ophelia says. My stomach growls. I grab a handful of raspberries and some eggs and sit down. "So uh what's on the agenda today?" I ask. "We are gonna hang out, maybe meet some people." She says. I nod.

After we eat I run over to Jordan's house. He opens the door, "you ready to beat this game?!" He asks. "Heck yeah!" I yell. We run over to his computer desk and I pull up a chair, portal here we come!

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