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"Lauren's really going to regret this," I said in amusement before downing my drink, leaving the glass somewhere before making my way to my girlfriend.

I carefully snaked my arms around her waist from behind and she tensed up for a moment. But when I greeted her with a kiss on her neck and whispered 'hi, babe,' on her ear, she immediately melted in me.

"Hi, baby," she greeted back, grinding on me as she raised her hands with one holding a glass with what I guess was Martini.

Justin made a move to dance with Ariana and they held hands, swinging them up by their chests whilst grinning at each other. Lauren on the other hand surprised me by reaching up to the back of my head before kissing me feverishly. I didn't know what was making me more lightheaded—the whiskey we took earlier, or the taste of liquor on Lauren's lips. When we're kissing, every one around us usually disappears and we don't care about what's happening anymore. I leaned down further for her to be able to deepen the kiss even more. She opened her mouth and I swiftly slipped my tongue inside, feeling the warm cave of hers. We were both breathing through our nose as we explored each other's mouths, expert in the making out department. If it was our profession, we'd probably be millionaires by now.

I felt her weaving her fingers through my locks, and I sucked her bottom lip before softly biting on it, careful not to hurt her. She suddenly bucked her hips against my center, causing me to let out a moan. Just as we were enjoying it, my eyes caught a light directed towards us and I reluctantly pulled away, smirking when I saw Ariana filming us. I couldn't care less about it for I know the fans already knew that Lauren and I are in relationship.

So, I raised my middle finger at her as a snickering Justin was behind him, and I captured Lauren's lips once more. Justin and Ariana laughed harder and I felt Lauren giggle against my mouth, making the kiss end short. As much as I wanted to continue kissing her, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot every time she does that. It makes me feel that she's so happy with me and there's no better feeling in this world than that.

"What?" I asked, not fighting the grin spreading on my face.

"You're such a badass sometimes," she said, and I noticed that Ariana and Justin went back to their own business. "You know she'll post that, right? I don't know where but she probably will."

"I don't care," I retorted with a halfhearted snort, stealing a quick kiss from her. "Besides, the fans have heard me cursing before. They're actually trying to figure out who has the foulest mouth in the group and they're betting between you and I."

"What?" She exclaimed, feigning offense. She turned around in my arms and faced me, placing a hand on my neck while using the other to hold her drink. "Camila's cursing, too. Why isn't she nominated?"

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