Chapter 6: Andrew Ryder Carter

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Chapter 6: Andrew Ryder Carter

Drew's POV

*ding dong*

An unfamiliar girl smiles at me as she had just opened the door. I was driving around the neighborhood for almost an hour and well, I got frustrated. My ex-girlfriend, Missy has been calling me since I left San Diego and she was so annoying. She was complaining about how I didn't tell her about me leaving for a while. Well I don't think it's even necessary for her to know.

"Uhm hi." The girl said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Can I help you?"

"Oh yeah. Erm, do you know where the Carters' residence is located?"

She suddenly chuckles and points over my shoulder. I turn around, only to see a mansion.


I scratch my nape in embarrassment. Fuck. "I.. a-apologize." Did I just stutter?! Oh my god, that's two embarrassments in one encounter. 

"No worries, dude. I'm Lauren by the way." She introduces and afterwards, offers a hand which I gladly shake. "Andrew, but people call me Drew for short."

"Well it's nice to meet you." She smiles. I'm gonna be fully honest, she's quite attractive. Tan skin, wavy hair, has a good height but I'm still taller, brown eyes but she seems younger, though.

"Same with you." I manage to choke out although I'm still shy at this moment. "Guess I'll uh.. see you around."

Lauren's POV

"Who was that?" Dani asks as I plop down on our couch, right next to her.

"I think another Carter brother. I don't know. He was looking for the twins' house." I simply shrug.

"Oh really?" I nod in response. "Well is he good-looking like Kyle?" She adds so I looked at her in an incredulous manner, "Dude!"

"What? I'm curious." She innocently answers while raising her hands up in surrender.

I roll my eyes at her reaction. "I'd say yeah. He's not ugly."

"Their family must be very blessed." She commented and I didn't say anything else since I was too focused on what we were currently watching and eating.

Kyle's POV

"Hello Andrew." I greet my younger brother while he's entering the house.

Weird how he's looking all red and flushed.

"H-hi." And that was his only response before laying on the couch.

"Woah, what's with you?" Nathan questions with a hint of amusement.

"Nothing, I'm just exhausted. I even had to answer my phone every 5 minutes 'cause Missy has been calling me during the entire duration of my drive." He answers all in one breath, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Must've been very hard, bro." I reply. Okay maybe I was a little sarcastic though.

"Extremely hard! And! And, I stopped by that house right across the street because I couldn't find this damn house!" He continues his little problem.

"Who? The Cimorellis'?"


"Cimorelli, they're like a family friend. Our parents know them." I shrug.

"Well, yipee fucking doo!" Drew retorts and I just roll my eyes at his maturity. "So what's your purpose of making us come here?"

"You, brother, have to wait 'til everyone's here." Nathan answers his question for me, while patting Drew's shoulder.

"Does that mean I'm gonna stay here?"

"Of course," I nod. "Let's not mind the company for a while, okay? I'm sure everyone's doing their job and is properly handling Carter Holdings at the moment." Then it was their turn to nod in agreement with what I said.


Blake's POV

*ring ring*

I basically sigh for the billionth time when I hear our company telephone ring again.

"Hello?!" Okay I know the tone I used wasn't very nice.

"May I please speak with the Manager of this company?"

"I'm sorry but he's not available." I shortly reply before hanging up. Rude, I know but for Pete's sake, where are the boys?!

A lot has been asking where they were these past few days. When I looked at our schedule, it stated that they filed for a leave. Wow! They didn't even bother letting me know.

*ring ring*

"Hello, the Manager, Head, and CEO are not available at the moment. Thank you!"

"I'm actually looking for Mr. Blake Carter?" The person gently said.

Though they can't see me, I felt my cheeks burn up in embarrassment. "Uhm, speaking." My voice didn't come out as normal as I thought it would.

"Loosen up, Blake. It's just me, your Uncle Malcolm." He chuckles.

"Oh Uncle Mal, what made you call?" Hearing his voice made me relax. I thought it would be another annoying and impatient client.

"I'm planning on stopping by the company later this afternoon. You need to go and get some rest, son. You're stressing yourself too much. Kyle called earlier. He told me that the twins were sick and that they needed you. Why don't you go to Malibu and I'll look after the company while you're all gone?"

"That'd be great. I guess I should get home and start packing. Thanks for doing this Uncle! I owe you."

"Anytime, Blake. Just offer some regards to your siblings from me and Aunt Jill when you get there, okay?"


Author's Note

I'm sorry for this poorly-written chap. I was just not feeling it. I promise you though that the next chapter will be more legit. Hahaha jk.

Some reason, I find it really hard writing from the boys' POV, seeing it that I'm a girl and well, I'm still confused about their personalities and such. Nonetheless, I guess I'll get over this because I'll try to think and decide well about their characteristics in the story.

Help me, guys :(

I also need you to continue commenting so I know what to improve and what not to do.

Thanks for your support! And stay tuned for more updates :) xx

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