Chapter 28: I Love You

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Chapter 28: I Love You

Lisa's POV

"Lisa, he didn't make it."

I look at everyone in the room. They just give me apologetic, sympathetic looks. No. It can't be. He can't be gone.

"Please... tell m-me y-you guys are j-joking." I couldn't contain it anymore so I burst out in loud cries and sobs.

My sisters rush over to my side and pull me in a tight and comforting hug. Not even their hugs could make me better. It should've been me, not him. I should be the one laying on that bed right now. This is all my fault!


The Carters and my sisters seem so secretive at the moment, as if they knew something I don't. They took the minivan with them and went elsewhere. I quickly entered my car to tail them.

After the short ride, confusion washed all over me when we stopped by at a warehouse. Cops and medics were scattered around the area and I saw a person being brought into the ambulance by a stretcher, a girl was assisted out by two policemen. When I neared them, I saw a perfect view of Andrew's pale, wounded, and frail face, his shirt was stained with blood on the shoulder part. I turned around to see my sisters and friends, and they definitely didn't want me to be here.

"L-Lisa..." Kyle frowned.

"I swear I didn't do it! It wasn't meant for him! Let go of me, you asshole!" The girl being held by the cops continuously reasoned out.

"Tell that to the judge, Miss."

Without even realizing it, I lunged into her and starting pulling on her hair and slapping her cheeks as strong as I can. "YOU BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!! GO ROT IN HELL!! YOU LITTLE PIECE OF CRAP!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

"Lisa! Lisa enough!" Nathan and Shane tried to get me off her but unintentionally, I kicked Nate's leg and elbowed Shane's stomach before jumping on top of the girl again.

"Oww." They both groaned.


"Alright Miss, that's enough." A cop held me back and I noticed the girl was unconscious already and she was brought to the car.

I was heavily panting from all the thoughts. The guy I love being injured... stabbed... hurt.

Before I knew it, my body just dropped down to the ground and everything I could see is darkness.

*end of flashback*

"Andrew..." I sob out as I sit beside his lifeless body. "Why'd you go? Why didn't you tell me?" I bitterly laugh, knowing that he obviously wouldn't answer me. I take off the cloth to reveal his face. I caress his cheek that has a violet blue-ish bruise, which will always remind of how he fought for me.

"I love you." I whisper before leaving a kiss on his cheek.

I rested my head on my palms and silently cry into it.

"You'll be fine."

I won't be. I will never be. The guy I love is practically dead, how's that gonna make me fine?!

"I love you too, Lisa." I look at Andrew, only to see him smiling at me this time. I rub my eyes to see if I was dreaming but then it was crystal clear, he's alive!

"DREW?!" I shriek and the rest burst out laughing. "What's happening? Why are you all laughing?"

"We're sorry, Lise, but we would get paid if we do this so..." Tyler replies and I was even more confused.

"Our brother's not dead." Blake chuckles.

"But you just professed your undying love for him." Max added.

"You guys tricked me." I breathe out in shock. "It wasn't even funny. I hate you all."

I stand from my seat but felt a hand tug me back. "Look, I know it wasn't nice... because it was really epic." Drew snickers.

"You shouldn't be joking about that kind of matter. I hate you." I hiss and tears roll down my cheeks.

"I'm confused. You just said you love him." Dani said and they glare at her. "What? I'm 15, make me understand."

Christina rolls her eyes and sighs. "We'll leave you two to talk." And they left.

"Listen," Drew starts. "I'm really sorry. We shouldn't have done that."

"You really shouldn't have." I spat.

"But... I love you." He sheepishly smiles and my lips forms into a smile. "I love you too. Even if you faked your death."

He laughs and pulls me for a kiss.

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