Chapter 32: Chaos

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Chapter 32: Chaos

3rd Person's POV

"Lauren, what happened back there?" Lisa interrogates her sister. 

"I'd.. r-rather not talk about it." Lauren shrugs off before attempting to get back to her bunk. 

"Don't walk out on me, Lauren. I'm serious about this." She said, holding her sister's wrist to stop her from walking off. She tightens her grip and Lauren winces.

"Lisa, you might be hurting her." Drew and Connor told her in sync, and later glare at each other.

"She deserves it for whatever she did to your brother." She spat at Andrew. "And you," She points at Toby in accusation. "You ruined such beautiful relationship, you jerk."

The boy who was accused smirks. "What relationship, exactly?"

"Lauren and Shane are in a relationship, are you dumb?" She retorts.

"Woah Lauren, you don't tell your sisters about the guys you date?" Toby mocks. "Well they're not in a relationship, I think you're the dumb one here."

Lisa narrows her eyes before lunging at him. She hits his face continuously and he uses his arms to shield it.

"You do not talk to me that way, McDonough."

"Lisa... Lisa.. stop." Drew tries getting her off him with the help of the rest.

"EVERYONE STOP THIS RIGHT NOW." Mike, the girls' tour manager shouts and they obey. "Girls, I cannot afford someone dying while we're on tour. Lisa, get off of him." He assists her up and she wipes off the invisible dust from her clothes. She shot Toby a glare before going out of the bus, with Connor and Andrew following behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Drew hisses at the other guy.

"Comforting my friend, obviously."

"Look, if you want me not to do what Lisa just did to your brother, then get back to your fucking bus." He points his index finger towards BYE's bus.

Connor gives him the up and down look, crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. "No."

Andrew clenches his fist. "Listen carefully, McDonough. We traveled all the way down here from Nashville to be with the girls, not you so could you just fuck off?"

"Woah I didn't know you speak French. Could you teach me sometime?" He taunts.

"Well, I could teach you this," that being said, his fist makes contact with Connor's jaw just in time when Lisa appears out of no where.

"Connor! Connor, are you okay?" She asks the victim who nodded. "Andrew you didn't have to punch him!"

"Well, he irritated the crap out of me!" Drew truthfully answers.

"Connor, why don't you just get back inside? Drew and I will just talk."

"Okay." Before he leaves, he gave Andrew a smirk in which he felt the sudden urge to punch him again.

"Andrew, I didn't like what you did."

"It just happened, okay? I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." He admits with a frown.

"It clearly didn't 'just happen' for me."

"Are you mad?"

"No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at what you did."

"Lisa! Come on, we're leaving!" Ike, the bus driver calls out.

"Bye." She softly mumbles to Andrew.

"Lisa.. is this how it's going to be for three months?"

"I don't know. Just give me some time to think..." she walked away but he held her wrist.

"I love you."

"Love you too." She replies, not even daring to look at him in the eye.


Kyle, Nathan, Blake, Max and the twins were almost home when Kyle's phone starts to go off.

"Could you get that? Tell 'em I'm driving." He said to Nathan, who was at the passenger seat.

"Sure thing." His brother takes his phone and places it over his ear. "Hello, Nathaniel speaking. Kyle is driving... Oh hello Andrew.... What?... Are you serious?... What happened?....Okay, we'll get there... Bye."

"What happened?" Blake questioned from the back seat.

"It's Shane," Nate sighs. "He got into an accident."

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