Chapter 13: Mr. Nick Who?

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Chapter 13: Mr. Nick Who?

3rd Person's POV

"Thank you so much for making it, guys." Kyle sincerely states as he welcomes the Cimorellis into this huge chapel for their parents' funeral.

"We wouldn't want to miss such important event, Kyle." Mike Sr. weakly smiles, giving his shoulder a gentle pat. Kyle gives a nod before motioning them to take their seats in the spot reserved for the said family.

The Cimorellis came early, since there was still a few people who were either chatting with one of the Carters, or silently praying on one of the pews.

"Uhm, excuse me." Amy heads to where Blake was and gave him a backhug, surprising him.

"Hi, Amy." He brightly smiles, but everyone could tell it was fake and forced.

Amy admires the boy in his black dress shirt, white necktie, black chinos and black loafers. She internally smiles at how attractive her best friend is right now.

"Amy!" Blake calls out, snapping his fingers in front of her face.

"Oh what? What?"

"You weren't listening." He fakely pouts.

"I'm sorry," she giggles. "What were you saying?"

The blue-eyed boy rolls his eyes. "Nothing. I'll just ask again some other time. Come on." They enter the chapel once again and she sits with her family while he sits in front of them, together with his brothers.


Kyle went up on stage and taps the mic gently to see if it was working well. "Uh, we are all gathered here today to remember our parents, Samantha and Thomas Carter," he paused before heaving a deep sigh. "A few weeks ago, we have heard the worst news. It was their death. At first, I was shocked and heartbroken. I couldn't believe someone that good can just go that easily. Clearly, they weren't the most perfect parents but to me, they were enough. They were able to provide whatever we needed. How I wish I can just wake up from this nightmare and be with them again," he pauses for the second time, wiping the tears forming in his eyes before anyone can see it. "Two more members have been taken away from our family but I simply think, this is God's will. It's all part of His plan. Maybe He has His own reasons... and purposes to take them away. And now I completely understand everything, they left but new people came." He eyes a specific family from the audience. "I'm glad we met the Cimorellis, who made us experience love again. They accepted us. They were like the second version of Andrea and our parents. Because of that, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for giving us another chance to be happy." Mike nods at him, with a smile plastered upon his lips. "And I pray every night for God to bless your family. To end my speech, I only have one thing to say. Kids, love your parents because you might regret it later on," then he turns to his parents' coffins. "We love you Mom and Dad."

That being said, he went down the stage and his siblings all approach him for a group hug. Lisa's eyes sparkle in admiration as she fumbles with the hems of her dress while trying to contain her tears.


The funeral has now ended and the Cimorellis were about to leave. That was, until Taylor and Tyler call their parents which made them all turn their heads to its source.

"Thank you Mom and Dad Cim." The twins said in sync and they could've sworn, the girls' hearts melted. They plant kisses on Mike and Lynne's cheeks before going back to where their brothers were.
Kyle's POV

I stand right outside the chapel's main door, shaking hands and nodding my head in appreciation towards the guests who came, with my brothers beside me. Tay and Ty were socializing with the other kids and teens. There was only a few people left, actually.

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