Chapter 16: Mr. Best Friend to the Rescue!

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Too much inappropriate language. Please be responsible enough :)

Chapter 16: Mr. Best Friend to the Rescue!

Blake's POV

"Blake, for the third time, no." My brother says as he slides down the stairs.

"Why not?" I argue, following behind him.

"Dude, you're telling me to stalk your best friend." Max looks at me incredulously. "Never in a million years would I do that!"

"All you have to do is to come with me and-"

"We'll stalk them together?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod enthusiastically. "Hell no!"

"Oh please? Max, you're a freaking prank legend. You could pull this off." I point out, while shrugging casually.

"Fine fine," he rolls his eyes. "On one condition!" Then I look at him in a questioning manner.


"You pay me five bucks for each time her date cusses or swears."

"That's it?" I chuckle. "Deal."


"A first date at the park? Ha! That's so stupid." I comment as I park approximately 5 meters away from the red Lancer.

Psh, nice car he got there.

"And you're so jealous." Max mumbles under his breath.

"I'm not, okay? I just hate it. They don't even look good together."

"Well, if you read the comments in their Lips Are Movin' cover, you'd see fans actually shipping them."

"No, they were shipping that dude with Lauren." I corrected, stating the obvious.

"Whatever you say, man." He then leads me to a tree, where it has a perfect view of the dating couple having a picnic.

"So what's the plan?"

"Wait and see, big brother. Wait and see." He wickedly smirks.


"Max! We've been standing here for ten minutes already. Aren't you gonna do something?" I exasperatedly said, motioning towards Amy who was feeding him with chocolate cake.

Ugh, what a douche... can't even feed himself.

"You do not dictate what legends do." He rolls his eyes. "And have you forgotten? I'm Maximus Carter, I got this."

"Yeah and I'm your brother, I point out sarcastically. "And my best friend's going to lock lips with an asshole if you don't hurry up."

"I think what you meant to say was 'the girl you like' instead of 'my best friend'."

I was about to protest but then two kids come towards us.

I gotta admit, they both look cute. One boy and one girl, just like Taylor and Tyler.

"Do you guys want some money?" Max started and they nod frantically.

"What's the catch?" The girl asks.

"See that couple over there?" He points over Amy and Jake at the corner. The twins nod once again and Max whispers something into their ears.

"Alright, what's in it for us?"

"2 bucks each?"

"Sorry sir but what we're about to show right there, deserves more. We're not that cheap." The boy boastfully argues.

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